06-04.05 – Space Committee Policies and Procedures

  1. Policy Statement

    The Space Committee is responsible for the oversight of all university facilities including the Capital Improvement Program (CIP), assignment of space and land usage. Committee responsibilities in these areas include all on- and off-campus facilities and sites. Recommendations of the Committee will be forward to the President for final approval. The Committee conducts its business in support of the University’s strategic goals and in concert with the University System of Maryland (USM), policies governing land planning, capital facility development and space utilization.

      • Committee Membership:

        • Chair, Vice President of Administration and Finance and Chief Fiscal Officer

        • Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs 

        • Vice President for Student Affairs

        • Vice President for Institutional Advancement

      • Committee Staff: 

        • Staff Team Leader, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management and Police 

        • Director of Planning, Energy, and Sustainability, Facilities Management 

        • Academic Planner, Facilities Management

    Additionally, the Committee may, as appropriate, call upon personnel, i.e., Office of Community Relations, ADA authorities, community representatives, etc. for advice and guidance. 

  2.  Role and Scope

    1. Oversees the development of capital project priorities (Capital Improvement Program), which further the University’s mission, and strategic plan. 

    2. Oversees the University’s master plan, including sub-area (precinct) and functional plans. 

    3. Makes space assignments consistent with the institution’s overall priorities and requirements. 

    4. Monitors all construction and major renovation programs on campus. 

    5. Approves modifications or additions to site, facilities, or landscaping on campus. 

    6. Makes recommendations on capital facilities project programs affecting budget. 

  3. Policies and Guidelines

    1. Space Requests:

      All space requests must be submitted to the Committee. must be submitted by the chairperson, dean or director responsible for the program and must be signed by the appropriate dean and vice president, with justification for additional space, a description of any special needs, and the number of personnel requiring accommodations. Information regarding clients or visitors should also be provided. The Planning Office will keep the Space Committee apprised of all outstanding space requests. 

    2. Space Inventory

      The space inventory is the official record of space assignments for Towson University. The Planning Office initiates annual updates of the space inventory. The data is used in support of University and USM requirements. All departments are required to provide the Planning Office with relevant information regarding space occupancy and utilization. 

    3. Space Utilization

      The Space Committee will make policy recommendations to the President based on USM space utilization guidelines for classrooms, class laboratories, offices and library space. If improvements in utilization are possible by relocation, consolidation or physical changes, the options will be explored with affected units.

    4. Space Analyses

      Analyses are performed by the Planning Office in consultation with the individual college/unit. A college representative appointed by the dean shall be designated to work with the Committee Staff in the development of the analysis. USM policy requires a review of each college every five years. The analysis provides reasonable assurance to the Space Committee and USM that the unit is meeting guidelines of effective and efficient space utilization within adopted policy and practice standards. Each analysis shall be presented to the Space Committee for review. 

    5. The Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

      Per USM policy, Towson University is required to undertake the following activities: 

      • Review and, if necessary, update their mission statements and strategic plans. 

      • Strategic plans shall identify major capital and operating implications of key strategies, e.g., comprehensive master plans, precinct plans, etc. 

      • Capital projects must contribute to specific strategic objectives or satisfy other important criteria such as meeting life safety requirements or correcting existing deficiencies. 

      • The Space Committee shall develop processes and procedures for setting project priorities, identifying new project proposals, and recommending project rankings to the President.

      Capital Improvement Program 

      1. The purpose of the Capital Improvement Program section is to provide a consistent procedure for requesting additional or replacement facility space for departmental functions. The efficient management of existing space and planning future physical facilities is necessary to meet the University’s current and long-term facility requirements. 

      2. The 5-year Capital Improvement Program is a list of prioritized projects that add to the capital assets or infrastructure of the University, and is incorporated into the Capital Improvement Program request to USM. The Capital Improvement Program is the first step in preparing a financial plan to meet future facility requirements, and to meet the instruction, research, support, and campus life needs of the campus community. Types of projects include the construction of new buildings, or renovations of existing buildings, open space development, and associated infrastructure projects. 

      3. The University is required to submit a Capital Improvement Program to the USM Board of Regents each year as required by state statute. 

      4. The Space Committee shall be responsible for coordinating the integration of the University’s master planning efforts and guiding the development of the University Capital Improvement Program to advance and support the master plan. The Committee shall develop reporting requirements and procedures to ensure that the CIP:

        • Meets the University’s long-term vision;

        • Addresses goals and strategic planning directions issued by the President and the USM Board of Regents;

        • Uses consistent information and planning assumptions; and, 

        • Integrates planning activities among the appropriate university departments. 

      5. The Space Committee shall examine all requests for all renovations, and additional or replacement space. 

        • The Committee will evaluate alternatives to meet identified space requirements, set policy, establish space guidelines, and make consistent allocation decisions. 

        • The Committee shall review each request to determine the merits of the project. 

        • Each requesting department is responsible for accuracy and completeness of the submitted documents, and shall conform to the University’s space guidelines, maintenance and life-safety policies. Space requests must also be consistent with the University’s long-term growth projections. 

        • All requests for space shall conform, as closely as possible and practical, with established State space guidelines, regardless of funding source. 

      6. The primary functions of the Capital Improvement Program are: 

        • To identify capital projects listed in the five year planning period, the fiscal year in which it will be started or acquired, the amount expected to be expended on the project, and the proposed method of financing these expenditures; 

        • To serve as a reference document for current facilities inventory; 

        • To request funding for proposed projects; and, 

        • To establish a process that focuses upon programmatic requirements and considers long-term financial commitments of the institution. 

      7. Proposed projects shall be submitted to the Space Committee for consideration into the University’s CIP regardless of the source of funds or building delivery method. Proposals adhering to requirements adopted by the Space Committee may be submitted throughout the year. The process is designed to rigorously review proposed projects presented, and to establish project priorities. 

        • The Committee shall establish yearly proposal submittal deadlines for projects to be considered in the next version of the CIP. 

        • Project proposals will be submitted to the Space Committee for review. 

        • The Committee will examine proposed projects, establish project priorities, and develop financing strategies. 

        • The Committee shall review, on a regular basis, the content of the project submittal process for possible improvements. 

      8. The CIP will be produced by the Department of Facilities Management, Planning Office. The CIP will be presented to the Committee for review and approval prior to formal submission to the President for final approval. 

      9. For previously approved capital projects in the current CIP, a report outlining the status of the projects each year, regardless of funding source or project delivery method, must be submitted to the Committee. 

    6. Campus Master Plan

      Per USM policy, Towson University is required to maintain an on-going campus physical planning process, and conduct comprehensive plan reviews and updates at five-year intervals. The Space Committee shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with this USM policy.

  4. Tactical Requirements

    The Space Committee has responsibility for providing comprehensive direction in the management of the physical resources of the campus by assigning space and correlated resources in support of the University’s strategic goals. 

    1. Non-Capital Projects

      Construction and renovation project request of less than $250,000 are considered to be non-capital projects. The Space Committee reviews all non-capital project requests and prioritizes according to available funds and makes recommendations to the President. 

      1. Annual Requests

        An annual request for non-capital project is made each fall to identify projects for the following fiscal year funding. The request for non-capital projects includes a list of campus priorities that need to be addressed, i.e., health and safety, ADA, contractual commitments, etc.

        The request is made to each vice president and all deans for further distribution to their associated units. Each vice president or dean will prioritize the submittals from their respective units and forward the submittals to the Space Committee for consideration.

        The Space Committee is responsible for monitoring approved and funded non-capital projects and advising the President of actions taken when the following fiscal year’s funding has been determined. 

      2. Off-Cycle Requests

        A portion of the current fiscal year funding is reserved for unforeseen needs that arise during the year and cannot be delayed until the following non-capital project cycle. These requests are made through an Off-Cycle Request process. An Off-Cycle Request must be submitted through the divisional vice president to the Space Committee.

        The Space Committee will review the Off-Cycle Requests and make awards as annual funding allows. 

      3. College/Department Funded Projects

        When a department proposes to fund 100% of a project that compliments the strategic goals of the department and the university, the project must go to the Committee and requires the approval of the divisional vice president before submission to the Space Committee. 

    2. Space Assignments

      All university building space and land belong to the University as a whole and is subject to assignment and reassignment to meet the institution’s overall priorities and needs. Assignments are made by the Space committee after careful consideration of all relevant factors and in consultation with the units involved. The Space Committee will make final recommendations to President regarding the disposition of space assignments including the costs associated with the assignment and the entity responsible for those costs. The Planning Office will be responsible for maintaining written records and documentation of all actions regarding space assignments and correlated funding. 

      1. Assignment Criteria is based on:

        • Audit and analysis of space based on space utilization guidelines. 

        • Priorities for academic programs, support services, and research projects established by the Space Committee and/or the President. 

        • Appropriateness of the space for the proposed use including cost analyses. 

        • Physical proximity of programs in relation to corresponding departments. 

        • Minimal disruption of on-going activities relative to faculty, students and staff. 

        • Restrictions related to grants, donor intentions and legal liabilities. 

        • Accessibility of space to the physically disabled which impacts program access. 

      2. Internal Reassignments

        Unless otherwise specified by the Space Committee, space already assigned to a college/unit may be reassigned internally among its departments without submission of a space request. Such reassignments should be reported at the time they are completed but no later than the next update of the University space inventory. It is acknowledged that units may disagree with a proposed internal reassignment. A written appeal describing the reasons for the disagreement may be made to the Space Committee within two weeks of the proposal. The Space Committee Chair, if appropriate, will inform the Committee of the issues and recommend a course of action at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

      3. Classrooms

        Classrooms are protected from conversions. Requests involving conversion of instructional space for other uses must be reviewed by the Registrar’s Office, who will evaluate and determine the impact on class schedules and provide a recommendation to the Space Committee for a final decision. 

      4. Leases

        Exploration of lease options requires that the Planning Office in consultation with the unit has determined that the space needs cannot be met with on-campus facilities and that funds have been identified to meet the lease and associated expenses. All proposed leases must comply with USM policies and requirements, and be reviewed and approved by university legal counsel prior to being forwarded to the Space Committee for consideration. 

    3. Commitments of Space

      All commitments of space and correlated funding issues must be reviewed and approved by the Space Committee prior to obligating the institution.

      1. Hiring Commitments Contingent Upon Space

        All hiring contracts that contain a commitment of space and/or correlated funding issues must be submitted to the Space Committee for consideration. 

      2. Grants/Contracts

        All grants or contracts that require additional space must note the need on the proposal routing sheet for approval by the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs and the Space Committee, prior to the grant submittal. 

      3. New Initiatives

        New institutional initiatives that require additional space will be submitted to the Space Committee for discussion regarding the impact on campus space resources. 

    4. Project Initiatives with Public-Public or Public-Private Funding

      Recognizing the institution’s need to leverage its limited resources to the degree feasible, partnerships with other agencies (public-public) and private entities should be encouraged to further the University’s mission, strategic, and land use plans. The University Space Committee shall oversee the review of internally and externally generated proposals and make recommendations to the President. A staff team including the University’s financial advisor and several external representatives should be assembled to assist the Space Committee in evaluating proposals and making recommendations. 

Related Policies:

Policies and Procedures for Submitting Non-Capital Projects (Small Projects Procedure)

Approval Date: 10/13/03

Effective Date: 10/13/03

Signed By: President’s Council

How to Request the Policy PDF

This online version of the policy may include updated links and names of departments. To request a PDF of the original, signed version of this policy, email the Office of the General Counsel, .