07-09.40 – Transfer of Regular Employees

  1. Policy Statement:

    This policy establishes guidelines for regular Non-exempt employees who are temporarily or permanently moving from one position to another position within the University, and Non-exempt and Exempt employees who are permanently moving from one position to another position and coming from another USM institution, or another State agency. 

  2. Reason for Policy:

    Towson University (the “University”) has established implementing procedures pursuant to University System of Maryland . 

  3. Definitions: 

    1. “TԲڱ” is defined to be: 1) a lateral move to a position with the same salary range; 2) a promotional move to a position at a higher salary range than the range of the current position; or 3) a demotional move to a position with a lower salary range than the range of the current position. Transfers may occur within or across organizational units and within or across USM institutions. 

    2. “P” means Position Identification Number. 

    3. “Service Credit” is recognition of accrued University employment time at the time of the transfer. 

    4. “Leave Credit” is recognition of accrued University leave at the time of the transfer. 

  4. Responsible Executive and Office:

    Responsible Executive:
    Associate Vice President of Human Resources

    Responsible Office:
    Office of Human Resources 

  5. Entities Affected by this Policy:

    All divisions, colleges, departments and operating units; all University regular employees. 

  6. Procedures: 

    1. General 

      1. It is the practice of the University to fill vacancies with the best-qualified candidate for the position. Both internal and external candidates will be evaluated on the basis of qualifications, experience and ability. 

      2. For sufficient cause including, but not limited to budgetary reasons, organizational structural changes, customer service, business hours, etc., it may be necessary for the University to transfer a Non-exempt employee within a department and/or across organizational units or divisions. 

      3. A Non-exempt employee who has completed his/her original or status change probationary period may be considered for a transfer. Non-exempt employees transferred must remain in a position for a minimum of ninety (90) calendar days prior to seeking a transfer. 

      4. Lateral, horizontal, promotional and/or demotional transfers are only applicable to Non-exempt employees who transfer within the University or for Non-exempt and Exempt employees who transfer from a USM institution to the University. 

      5. Individuals transferring from another state agency are reported to the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) as transfers. 

      6. The Office of Human Resources (OHR) shall authorize all transfers before any action is initiated. 

    2. Transfers Within the University: Non-Exempt Employees 

      1. Lateral Transfer 

        1. A Non-exempt employee moves to a different position and/or classification of the same salary range, and there is a change in the PIN. 

        2. The salary of the Non-exempt employee remains the same and the employee shall maintain his/her service and leave credit. 

        3. If the transfer involves a Non-exempt employee moving to another department and/or different supervisor, the employee shall serve a status change probationary period. Non-exempt employees are not eligible for a probationary increase upon completing a probationary period as a result of a lateral transfer. 

      2. Horizontal Transfer 

        1. A Non-exempt employee moves from one position to another position in the same classification and salary range, and there is a change in the PIN. 

        2. The salary of the Non-exempt employee shall remain the same and the employee shall maintain his/her service and leave credit. 

        3. If the transfer involves the Non-exempt employee moving to another department and/or reporting to a different supervisor, the employee shall serve a status change probationary period. Non-exempt employees are not eligible for a salary increase upon completing a probationary period as a result of a horizontal transfer. 

      3. Promotional Transfer 

        1. Through a competitive process, a Non-exempt employee moves from one position to another position of a different classification that has a higher salary range prescribed and there is a change in the PIN. 

        2. Non-exempt employees shall be eligible for a promotional salary increase according to the following: 

          1. If there is a one (1)-pay difference between the employee’s initial classification pay range and the targeted higher classification pay range; the employee will receive a 6% salary increase. In addition, the employee shall be granted an additional 2.5% salary increase upon successful completion of a probationary period.

          2. If there is a two (2)-pay range difference between the employee’s initial classification pay range and the targeted higher classification salary range, the employee shall receive a 12% salary increase. In addition, the employee shall be granted an additional 2.5% salary increase upon successful completion of a probationary period. 

          3. An employee’s salary shall not be below the minimum nor exceed the maximum of the pay range for his/her targeted classification. 

          4. The funding for a salary adjustment as a result of a promotional transfer is the responsibility of the department to which the employee is transferred. 

        3. If the promotional transfer involves an employee moving to another department and/or reporting to a different supervisor, then the employee shall serve a status change probationary period. Non-exempt employees are eligible for a 2.5% salary increase upon successfully completing their probationary period. 

        4. An employee whose Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) status changes (i.e. Exempt to Non-exempt) shall be governed by the leave policies applicable to the new status, effective on the date of status change. 

      4. Demotional Transfer (voluntary/involuntary) 

        1. A demotional transfer occurs when an employee moves to a classification rated at a lower pay range than the pay range of his/her current classification. A change in the PIN may or may not occur. 

        2. Upon a demotional transfer, a Non-exempt employee’s salary shall be decreased according to the following: 

          1. If there is a one (1)-pay range difference between an employee’s initial classification pay range and the targeted lower classification pay range, the employee’s salary shall be reduced 6%. 

          2. If there is a two (2)-pay range difference between an employee’s initial classification pay range and the targeted lower classification pay range, the employee’s salary shall be reduced 12%. 

        3. If the transfer involves the employee moving to another department and/or reporting to a different supervisor, the employee shall serve a status change probationary period. Non-exempt employees are not eligible for a salary increase upon completing a probationary period as a result of a demotional transfer. 

        4. An employee shall maintain his/her service and leave credit. 

    3. Transferring from a USM Institution: Non-exempt and Exempt Employees 

      1. An individual who fills a vacancy at the University is considered a “transfer with prior USM service” if he/she at the time of appointment is a USM employee. 

      2. At the time of the transfer his/her salary will be placed within the range of the classification to which he/she is transferred. The applicable lateral, horizontal, promotional, and demotional transfer policy shall apply. 

      3. The University will accept the transfer of all unused sick days and annual leave days the employee has accumulated from the institution of transfer. Unused personal and holiday leave hours will be accepted up to the maximum earned in that calendar year at the University. 

      4. The University will not accept the transfer of compensatory time the employee has accumulated. 

    4. Transferring from Another State Agency: Non-exempt and Exempt Employees 

      1. An individual who fills a vacancy at the University is considered an “appoint with prior State service” if he/she at the time of appointment is a State of Maryland employee. 

      2. Individuals transferring from another State agency are not eligible to receive salary credit. The appointment to any USM non-exempt position shall be made at the minimum of the salary range for the job class to which the position is assigned. The hiring department, divisional budget office and OHR shall approve all starting salaries for exempt employees. 

      3. The University will accept the transfer of all unused sick days and annual leave days the employee has accumulated from the agency of transfer. Unused personal and holiday leave hours will be accepted up to the maximum earned in that calendar year at the University. 

      4. The University will not accept the transfer of compensatory time the employee has accumulated. 

    5. Procedures 

      1. Departments extending an offer of employment to a candidate covered by this policy must contact OHR. All transfers must be pre-approved by OHR. 

      2. OHR will confirm with the institution or agency of transfer all employment related data and take the appropriate action. 

      3. Transfers involving the University employees shall be communicated to OHR via a memo. The memo shall provide the justification and effective date of the transfer and include the appropriate approvals (Department Head, Chairperson, Dean, Associate Vice President, and Vice President and /or Provost).

Related Policies:

Approval Date: 12/01/2005

Effective Date: 12/01/2005

Amended Date: 11/23/2009

Approved By: President’s Council 10/05/2009

Signed By: President’s Council

How to Request the Policy PDF

This online version of the policy may include updated links and names of departments. To request a PDF of the original, signed version of this policy, email the Office of the General Counsel, .