Current ADS Students
Once you are registered with ADS and approved for accommodations, you do not need to re-apply. You will continue to work with your assigned ADS specialist throughout your time at Towson.
Accessing Your Letter of Accommodation
At the beginning of each term, log in to to submit a semester request for your letter of accommodation ("memo").
You may begin submitting your semester requests for:
Summer: May 1st
Fall: August 1st
Winter: December 1st
Spring: January 1st
Once your specialist reviews your request, you will receive a copy of your letter of accommodation via email (you can also view it in Accommodate).
Once you have received your letter of accommodation, it is your responsibility to share it with your professor by scheduling an appointment with them or meeting during office hours. We strongly encourage students to take this time to discuss how your accommodations will be implemented in each of your classes.
What You Need to Know...
Rights and Responsibilities
ADS students, staff and faculty are responsible for engaging in an interactive process as needed to determine and facilitate reasonable accommodations. Below are the responsibilities of each group:
- Initiate requests for your letter of accommodation in a timely manner, preferably early in the semester
- Provide professors with the ADS letter of accommodation and discuss how accommodations will be implemented in each course
Inform your ADS specialist of any changes in your accommodation needs and provide updated documentation if requested
Inform ADS of barriers to accessibility or problems regarding accommodations
Maintain regular contact with your ADS specialist. Your ADS specialist is available to assist both you and your professors in implementing accommodations as they relate to specific course or program requirements. They can also discuss your academic progress, and refer you to other resources if/when needed.
Meet essential qualifications and standards for programs and courses
ADS Staff:
Provide students with letter of accommodation upon request
- Communicate with professors as needed to facilitate accommodations
Meet with students as needed for ongoing support
- Ensure equal access to courses, programs and services
- Protect students' privacy and confidentiality
Establish essential course requirements, and evaluate all students, including students with disabilites, on this basis
Support and implement accommodations as identified in the ADS letter of accommodation
Provide students the opportunity to meet privately to discuss how their accommodations will be used for their class
Consult with ADS if accommodation requests conflict with course requirements
Respect students' right to privacy and confidentiality
Grievance/Complaint Resolution Procedures
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and TU policies and procedures prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability. Students who believe they have been discriminated against because of their disability, or who have a complaint regarding disability accommodations or services, should notify their ADS specialist as soon as possible. Should the complaint not be resolved at this level, the Director of ADS, Robyn McCray, should be notified at 410-704-2638 or rmccray@towson.edu. The Director will meet with the student concerned as soon as possible in an attempt to resolve the complaint, but no later than 10 working days after receipt of the complaint. If the complaint is not resolved by Accessibility and Disability Services, or if the complaint includes the Director of ADS, the student may contact the ADA Coordinator and Civil Rights Investigator, in the Office of Inclusion and Institutional Equity at 410-704-0203 or ada@towson.edu. View Policy Prohibiting Discrimination Policy (06.01.00).