Emily Parker

Associate Professor

CLA building with the lights on against a dark blue night sky

Contact Info

LA 4131


Ph.D., Philosophy, Emory University, 2009

Areas of Expertise

Contemporary French Philosophy
Feminist Philosophy and Theory
Social and Political Philosophy
Environmental Philosophy

Emily Anne Parker’s areas of research are Contemporary French Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy and Theory, Environmental Philosophy, and Social and Political Philosophy. She is the author of Elemental Difference and the Climate of the Body (Oxford University Press, 2021), and with Anne van Leeuwen (James Madison University), Parker is the co-editor of Differences: Rereading Beauvoir and Irigaray (Oxford University Press 2017). Her work has appeared in Political Theory, Hypatia, philoSOPHIA, Philosophy Today, Southern Journal of Philosophy, and Trans-Humanities, and English Language Notes. At Towson, Professor Parker teaches courses in the Departments of Philosophy & Religious Studies and Women’s & Gender Studies.

Selected Publications

  • 2022. "The Body Problem and the Climate Crisis." Blog of the APA. [Available here: .]
  • 2021. "Zoonosis and the Polis: COVID-19 and Frantz Fanon’s Critique of the Modern Colony." The International Journal of Critical Diversity Studies Special Issue on Philosophies of Disability and the Global Pandemic 4.1: 58-73. []
  • 2021. Elemental Difference and the Climate of the Body. Oxford University Press. [.]
  • 2018. “On ‘The Body’ and the Human-Ecology Distinction: Reading Frantz Fanon After Bruno Latour.†philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 8.2: 59-84. [.]
  • 2018. “The Human as Double Bind: Sylvia Wynter and the Genre of ‘Man.’†SPEP, Journal of Speculative Philosophy 32.3: 439-449. [.]
  • 2017. Co-author with Rachel Jones. "The Anthropocene and Elemental Multiplicity." English Language Notes, special issue entitled Environmental Trajectories: Modes, Debates, Reconfigurations 55.1-2. [.]
  • 2017. Co-editor with Anne van Leeuwen. Differences: Rereading Beauvoir and Irigaray. [.] Reviewed in  and Hypatia Reviews Online.
  • 2017. “Precarity and Elemental Difference: On Butler’s Re-writing of Irigarayan Difference.†Political Theory 45. 3: 319-341. [.]
  • 2016. “Resisting Individuality.†In Passion in Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Alphonso Lingis. Edited by Randolph Wheeler. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
  • 2016. “Sexual Violence as Derivatization.†In Desire, Love, and Identity: A Textbook for the Philosophy of Sex and Love. Edited by Gary Foster. Don Mills: Oxford University Press Canada.
  • 2015. “Cultivating a Living Belonging: An Interview with Luce Irigaray.†Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 46.2: 109-116.
  • 2015. “Singularity in Beauvoir’s The Ethics of Ambiguity.†Southern Journal of Philosophy 53.1: 1-16. [.]
  • 2014. “Beyond Discipline: On the Status of Bodily Difference in Philosophy.†philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 4.2: 222-228.