Amina Sillah, Ph.D.

Associate Professor


Contact Info

LA 3228


Ph.D., Public Administration & Management
Nonprofit Development & Management
University of North Texas, 2006

MPA Local Government and Politics
Northern Illinois University, 2006

BBA Business Management and Legal Studies
Temple University, 2003

Areas of Expertise

Nonprofit Management
Urban Government and Politics
International Development
Public Administration
Community Development
Metropolitan and Urban Planning
Civic Engagement



  • Sillah, A. (2022). Public Sector Volunteer Management: Best Practices and Challenges (1st ed.) Routledge.

Peer Reviewed

  • Sillah, A. (2023). The Invisibility Syndrome: Gambian Women in Politics. In Women's Contributions to Development in West Africa: Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives (pp. 171-195). Springer.
  • Lightbourne, J.E., Sillah, A., & Nukpezah, J.A. (2023). Gentrification and Nonprofit Activities for Neighborhood Development in Baltimore, Maryland and Houston, Texas. Journal of Public Management & Social Policy, 30.
  • Baktir, Y., & Sillah, A. (2021). Volunteer Service After The Volunteer Service: The Sector of Employment and Veteran Volunteering. Public Administration Quarterly, 45(3).
  • Sillah, A., & Worgs, D. (2021). Studying Community and Development in The Gambia and Senegal: A Case Study of the Initial Offering of a Unique Course. In E. Matto, A. McCartney and E. Bennion (Eds), Teaching Civic Engagement Globally (pp 263-278). American Political Science Association.
  • Sillah, A., Nukpezah, J.A. & Kamau, F. (2020). Web-Based Accountability Among United Way of Texas Chapters. Public Organization Review.
  • Rivera, Jason D., Atta A. Ceesay, and Aminata Sillah (2020). "Challenges to disaster risk management in The Gambia: A preliminary investiation of the disaster management system's structure." Progress in Disaster Science: 100075.
  • Sillah, A. and Ceesay, A. (2018).  "Civic Engagement, Community Development, and the Role of Civil Society Organizationa nd Citizenship: A Case Study of The Gambia."  In A.E. Nickels and J.D. Rivera (Eds), Community Development and Public Administration Theory: Empowerment Through the Enhancement of Democratic Principles, New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Sillah, A. (2017).  Nonprofit Organizations and Social Media Use: An Analysis of Nonprofit Organizations' Effective Use of Social Media Tools.  In Michael Brown, Social Media Performance Evaluation and Success Measurements.  DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1963-8.ch009.
  • Brudney, Jeffrey L., Lee Young-joo, Suad A. Bin Afif, Ockenden, Nick, Sillah, Aminata (2017).  "Conductive Motivations and Psychological Influences on Volunteering."  The Palgrave Handbook of Volunteering, Civic Participation, and Nonprofit Associations.  Edited by David Horton Smith, Robert A. Stebbins, Jergen Grotz.  DOI: 10.102/9781119176558.24.
  • Smith, David H., Sardinha, Boguslawa, Moldovanova, Alisa, Hsing Kai Dennis Dong, Sillah, Aminata (2017).  "Formal Volunteer Service Programs."  The Palgrave Handbook of Volunteering, Civic Participation, and Nonprofit Associations. Edited by David Horton Smith, Robert A. Stebbins, Jurgen Grotz.  DOI: 10.1007/978-1-137-26317-9-31.

Selected Conference Presentations

  • Youth Engagement and Political Advocacy - Empowering Youth: Political Engagement and Advocacy. Presented at the American Society for Public Administration, Cairo, Egypt, 2023.
  • Bridging the Gap: How Youth Engagement Can Drive Effective Political Advocacy - A Case Study of The Gambia. Presented at the American Society for Public Administration, Cairo, Egypt, 2023.
  • Neighborhood Change in Baltimore: Economic Growth or Gentrification? Presented at the American Society for Public Administration, Washington DC, 2020.
  • Aid and Nongovernmental Organizations: What Role do NGOs Play in Aid Funding in Gambia? Co-authored with Dr. Atta Ceesay and presented at the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Conference (Fred Riggs Symposium), Denver, CO, March 2019.
  • Decentralization and Challenges of Public Sector Reform in the Gambia. Co-authored with Dr. Atta Ceesay and presented at the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Conference (Fred Riggs Symposium), Atlanta, GA, March 2018.
  • Sillah, Amina and Cessay, Atta.  Civic Engagement, Foreign Aid, and Community Development.  What the Literature got Right.  Presented at the Fred Riggs Symposium at the American Society for Public Administration, Denver, Colorado, 2018.
  • Sillah, Amina and Cessay, Atta.  Decentralization and its Impact on the Socio-economic Development of The Gambia.  Presented at the American Society for Public Administration,  Atlanta, Georgia, 2017.
  • Sillah, Aminata and Dicke, Lisa.  Managerial and Political Challenges in Managing Volunteers in Local Government.  Presented at the Association on Nonprofit Research and Voluntary Action, Washington DC, November 2016.
  • Sillah, Aminata and Dicke, Lisa.  Volunteers in Local Government: Their Roles and Capacity.  Presented at the Association on Nonprofit Research and Voluntary Action, Chicago, Illinois, 2015.
  • Sillah, Aminata.  The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Post-Conflict Africa: A Case Study of Liberia.  Presented at the Association on Nonprofit Research and Voluntary Action, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2015.
  • Sillah, Aminata and Jang, Hee Soun.  How Effectively are Nonprofit Organizations Using Social Media to Meet Organizational Objectives?  Presented at the American Society for Public Administration, Washington DC, 2014.
  • Sillah, Aminata, Jang, Hee Soun, and Jung, Kyujin.  Nonprofit Use of Technology for Organizational Innovation.  Presented at the Association on Nonprofit Research and Voluntary Action, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2014.
  • Dicke, Lisa and Sillah, Aminata.  The Applicability of 2-1-1 Technology in Enhancing Social Service Deliveries in a Developed and Developing Countries: Case Studies from U.S.A., Canada, and Tanzania.  Presented at the Association on Nonprofit Research and Voluntary Action, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2013.
  • Sillah, Aminata, Jang, Hee Soun, and Jung, Kyujin.  "Nonprofit IT Innovations: from Experience of Early 2000's."  A paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), Indianapolis, Indiana, November 15-17 2012.
  • Sillah, Aminata.  The Role of Science and Technology in National Development.  United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Conference, Bamako, Mali, 2010.
  • Sillah, Aminata.  Urban Development in Sub-Saharan Africa - Problems and Prospects: Case Study of The Gambia, The University of Gambia, 2010.

Technical Reports

  • The Impact of COVID 19 on Minority and Black Nonprofit Organizations in Baltimore. Project funded by the Baltimore Towson Initiative. Prepared by Aminata Sillah and Donn Worgs, September 2020.