Who does the Office of the General Counsel represent?

The Office of the General Counsel provides legal advice and representation to Towson University. Towson and all of its schools and departments are one legal entity.  In that capacity, the OGC attorneys advise the Administrators, Faculty and Staff, all in their official capacities, on various issues impacting the University.

What should I do if I receive a court order or subpoena, of if I am contacted by an attorney in connection with University business?

You should not respond and immediately contact the Office of the General Counsel. Our office will coordinate the appropriate response to such legal inquiries.

Can the Office of the General Counsel represent or give legal advice to students?

No. The Office of the General Counsel represents the University, and works only on University-related matters. For legal resources and lawyer referrals, please contact the Maryland State Bar Association at 410-685-7878 or go to their website at . You can also contact the Baltimore County Bar Association at 410-337-9100 or go to their website at . 

Can the Office of the General Counsel represent or give legal advice to faculty and staff members for non-University matters?

No. The Office of the General Counsel represents the University, and works only on University-related matters. If you need legal representation and do not have a lawyer, you may contact the Maryland State Bar Association at 410-685-7878 or go to their website at for formation on legal resources as well as a lawyer referral.  You can also contact the Baltimore County Bar Association at 410-337-9100 or go to their website at . 

What should I do if I receive a phone call or letter from a lawyer wanting to discuss the University or a University matter?

If you are contacted by an outside attorney in connection with University business or your work for the University, please notify the Office of the General Counsel immediately. Please do not speak or correspond directly with an attorney representing someone other than the University who is engaged in or threatening a claim or lawsuit against the University or against you in your official capacity for the University.

What is FERPA? 

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a  federal law also known as the Buckley Amdendment that affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. For further information regarding FERPA, please go to: Release of Student Information under FERPA

Are there any resources for compliance with federal laws and regulations available specificall for the Higher Education Community?

There is in fact, many available resources online. The was specifically created by NACUA (National Association of College and University Attorneys) to provide resources on a broad range of compliance topics that specifically aim to service the higher education community. Please note that you may need to sign up in order to use these resources.