We all have times when we feel down. It is normal to feel sad in certain situations. However, these gloomy feelings will usually pass with time. Sometimes, it is not so easy to bounce back and we stop enjoying the things that used to be fun. These feelings might even get in the way of keeping up with studying or make it difficult to get out of bed in the morning. These, and others, are possible signs for serious depression.

have shown that depression is one of the leading presenting concerns of college students seeking mental health services. Depression can affect a student's ability to work, study, interact with peers, or take care of themselves.
Depression can come in many forms, but is almost always a persistent feeling (i.e., it does not go away with time). Individuals with major depression may also experience thoughts of suicide.
If your safety or the safety of someone you know is at-risk, please call 911 immediately.
Counseling Center Resources
If you are wondering or worried about your mental health wellness, you may take our free, online . We also offer several services for those seeking mental health help for depression: