Faculty & Staff Resources

As members of the University faculty and staff, we interact with students in many different arenas and under various conditions. The information provided below, aims to assist faculty and staff in maintaining positive relationships with their students and provides guidance on how to handle incidents involving classroom disruption or students of concern.  

When should I report student behavior concerns?
Reports should be made when the instructor has made an individual attempt to rectify the behavior, but has been unsuccessful, OR for the following occurrences:

  • Repeated interruption of the classroom environment or normal university operations
  • Threats or overt acts of violence
  • Student is exhibiting erratic behavior or other mental health concerns

It is the recommendation of our office that you document any and all incidents, even those you do not intend to report. Providing more information will aid in the adjudication process, expedite resolution, and assist our office in the event that the student needs to be referred to other resources to address a mental health concern. When documenting a student's behavior, it is best to be as detailed as possible about the students language and/or behaviors.

If you feel your safety or the safety of your class is jeopardized, contact TUPD immediately at 410-704-4444.

Academic Integrity

The Office of Student Accountability & Restorative Practices serves as the repository for reports of academic dishonesty, provides reactive education for students who have been found in violation, and implements the disciplinary process for students who face second or subsequent violations.

If you have specific questions about the Student Academic Integrity Policy, process, or procedures, contact Associate Director Michael Youngborg at

Submit an Academic Integrity Violation Form

Faculty can when they have found a student in violation of the Student Academic Integrity Policy.

PLEASE NOTE: This form acts as a letter to the student outlining the violation, penalty imposed, and the appeal process, and copies the student, the Chair of the Department, and the SARP. By using this form, faculty no longer need to send a separate letter to the student.

Additional Resources

Office Phone Location
Towson University Police (non-emergency) (410) 704-2134 120 W. Towsontown Blvd.
Dean of Students Office (410) 704-2055 Administration Building
Student Outreach & Support (410) 704-2055 Administratiion Building
Counseling Center (410) 704-2512 Health and Counseling Centers at Ward & West
Accessibility & Disability Services (410) 704-2638 University Union
Health Center (410) 704-2466 Health and Counseling Centers at Ward & West