Leadership Initiatives
The Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life value personal and professional growth through leadership initiatives and provides multiple leadership training opportunities throughout the year.

As a member of the fraternity and sorority life community, you have access to the following opportunities:
Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Academy
This is a one-day leadership retreat designed to educate and develop the leaders of the fraternity and sorority life community while building relationships across chapters and councils.
New Member (Greek 101) and Senior Member (Greeks after Grad) Education
Greek 101 is held once every term for new members of the fraternity and sorority community. The purpose of this program is to introduce new members to the wider Greek community and educate them on the policies and procedures of the university. Additionally, these new members are also offered programming on sexual assault prevention, hazing prevention, diversity and cultural awareness and bystander intervention training.
Greeks after Grad is a career readiness program designed for members who are in their junior or senior
year and preparing for life after college. In this program members will learn how
to use their Fraternity and Sorority experience to leverage job opportunites, build
their network and navigate the professional world.
Greek Emerging Leaders Program
The Towson University Greek Emerging Leaders Program is designed for underclassmen members of fraternities and sororities who are seeking to learn more about themselves as leaders and are interested in increasing their involvement within the Greek community and beyond. Six sessions will be held throughout the fall term on a variety of topics including fraternity and sorority history, self-awareness, values-based leadership, diversity, bystander intervention and how to develop a leadership plan. Apply
In order to earn a certificate of completion, participants must complete all the requirements of this program, actively participating in 5 of 6 workshops.
For more information contact Roodinz Vital, Interim Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life, Rvital AT_TOWSON
Executive Leadership Series
Similar to Greek Emerging Leaders, this is a series of workshops over six weeks but targeted for more seasoned leaders in the organization. This program is designed for current executive board members to fine-tune their leadership skills, get to know and gather resources from other chapter leaders and set goals for their fraternity or sorority. Topics will include motivating your chapter members, delegation skills, conflict management, strengths quest, etc.
To register for the program, please fill out the following form:
For more information contact Roodinz Vital, Interim Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life, Rvital@towson.edu
Hazing Prevention Week
“Hazing Prevention Week” is an opportunity for Towson University and its affiliate organizations and individuals to raise awareness about the problem, educate others and promote the prevention of hazing. This week typically occurs during the third week of September in conjunction with “National Hazing Prevention Week.”
T.I.P.S. Training
Training for Intervention ProcedureS (T.I.P.S.) is a skills-based training program that is designed to prevent intoxication, underage drinking and drunk driving.
Training focuses on:
- decision-making skills that help students weigh the consequences of their actions and those of their peers
- moderating behavior to avoid problems with alcohol
- confidence to intervene to prevent alcohol-related incidents on campus such as property damage, injury, underage drinking and drunk driving
- interpersonal skills that increase students’ ability to intervene in difficult alcohol-related situations
- respect and concern for others leading to a more positive campus environment
- leadership qualities that help students influence their peers to avoid problem behaviors
Towson Greek Ambassadors Program
The Greek Ambassadors Program is a new leadership opportunity for involved, outstanding, seasoned and motivated students, launched in fall 2015. This opportunity is being provided to help our students in the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life understand how to operate in a healthy, safe, educational and fun environment. The Towson Greek Ambassadors Program will be comprised of a select group of Towson Greek leaders, chosen through an application process.
Duties include:
- attending induction, orientation, retreat(s) and meetings
- representing the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life at special events for alumni, national offices and guest speakers
- planning and participating in activities that promote student health, wellness and appropriate risk management behaviors
- acting as a Greek Emerging Leaders Mentor, TIPS Trainer, Anti-Hazing Trainer and Risk Management Trainer
- acting as a primary recruiter/promoter for the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life
Diversity Chair and Social Justice Program
Each council and chapter must have a diversity chair position that will provide resources for students, plan programming and educate members on different topics.
Order of Omega
Each academic term, the top 3% of scholars and leaders within the TU Greek community are inducted into the Rho Alpha Chapter of the Order of Omega.
To recognize those fraternity men and women who have attained a high standard of leadership
in interfraternity activities, to encourage them to continue along this line and to
inspire others to strive for similar conspicuous attainment;
To bring together outstanding fraternity men and women to create an organization which
will help to mold the sentiment of the institution on questions of local and intercollegiate
fraternity affairs.
To bring together members of the faculty, alumni, and student members of the institution's
fraternities and sororities on a basis of mutual interest, understanding and helpfulness;
To help create an atmosphere where ideas and issues can be discussed openly across
Greek lines and to help work out solutions.
For more information please contact Jordan White, Graduate Assistant for Fraternity & Sorority Life.