Hardware Upgrades & Repairs



The department is responsible for parts and upgrade costs for any computer, printer, scanner, monitor, etc., including labor and materials. However, there are no labor costs for OTS’ support.

Using the Procurement Card to Upgrade

Because of the way the Procurement Card works, you will need to order your own parts and upgrades, such as more memory, a better video card or a bigger hard drive. If you are unsure, consult with the OTS Technology Support Desk to ensure the upgrade will work for your computer and operating system.

OTS will help you place your order and assist with the install. Contact the OTS Technology Support Desk or submit a service request.


Repairs under Warranty

For problems with computers, printers, scanners, monitors, keyboards, headphones, etc., contact the OTS Technology Support Desk or submit a service request.


There are no costs to the department for Dell and Apple computer warranty repairs. If it's not a recommended model, the department will need to contact the manufacturer, vendor or retail store where it was purchased to see if there will be any costs.

For help with Mac repairs or service, . Contact the local Apple store to find out repair costs.

Printers, Scanners, Monitors, Keyboards, Headphones, etc.

These items might have a one-year warranty, or longer if extended warranty was purchased. The department will need to contact the manufacturer, vendor or retail store where it was purchased to see if there will be any costs.

Repairs not covered under Warranty

The department is responsible for repair costs for computers, printers, scanners, monitors, keyboards, headphones, etc., including labor and materials when working directly with manufacturers, vendors or a retail store. There are no labor costs for OTS’ support.

For help with Mac repairs or service, . Contact the local Apple store to find out repair costs.

Accidental or Malicious Damage

Recommended Dell laptops include three-year accidental coverage, other computers do not. Accidental or malicious damage on a computer or other technology won't be covered most of the time. Departments are responsible for any repairs and replacements.

Technology Damage from Building Flood or Other Event

If a building experiences flooding or other damage and computers and other technology is affected, departments must file a claim with Environmental Health and Safety. OTS will look at any damaged technologies to help you determine if it's in working condition, or if needs to be repaired or replaced.

Support Levels

Recommended Dell and Mac Computers: University-Owned Devices

The Technology Support Desk does a basic 5-10 minute troubleshooting session over the phone. If it can't be resolved, we'll arrange for an on-site tech support visit. After the visit you will get a service record with a comment card which you can detach and return.

For help with Mac repairs or service, .

Other than Recommended Models

For other than recommended models we'll do what we can, but overall support will be limited. Beyond basic support, the department will need to contact the manufacturer, vendor or retail store where it was purchased. 

Computer Peripherals, e.g. external hard drives, scanners, headphones, etc.

OTS provides basic troubleshooting and will install a replacement if needed. The department will need to contact the manufacturer, vendor or retail store where it was purchased to check if a repair or replacement is needed under warranty coverage.

Personally-Owned Devices

The Office of Technology Services (OTS) is able to assist you with connecting to university systems, websites, applications and other campus-hosted resources.

If you have problems with personally-owned computers, seeking support and service outside of the university is necessary. Towson University, as a public university, cannot provide technical services for non-university-owned devices. See

Hardware Support and Testing

After new or upgraded hardware is installed on your computer, OTS will work with you to test it and make sure it is working well. This process ensures the stability of your computer. Only hardware that has passed the testing process can be recommended for campus use.