08-03.02 – Use of Available Contracts

  1. Purpose:

    Towson University has established these policies and procedures pursuant to the . Towson University may obtain goods and services through available contracts procured by other government entities or other institutions of higher education. In addition, the Procurement Department will from time to time establish blanket agreements for use by the University community. This policy will establish the guidelines for using available contracts.

  2. Responsible Executive and Office:

    Responsible Executive:
    Vice President for Administration and Finance and Chief Fiscal Officer

    Responsible Office:
    Procurement Department

  3. Use of Available Contracts:

    1. Contracts Established By Other Entities

      Towson University may use contracts established by other governmental agencies or higher education institutions provided that the agreement allows for such use and that use of the contract is in the best interest of the University. The Procurement Officer must approve use of these contracts after a thorough review and analysis of the respective contract.

    2. Contracts Established By The Towson University Procurement Department

      The Procurement Department will establish agreements for use by faculty and staff of Towson University (Blanket or Master Agreements). These agreements enable the University to efficiently purchase goods or services at a competitive price while leveraging the University’s purchasing power through the economies of scale such agreements will provide. Blanket agreements must be used if one is established. Waivers or exceptions to this policy must be requested from the Procurement Department and may be granted on a case-by-case basis, if in the best interests of the University.

  4. Blanket agreements available for use by the members of the Towson University community are posted on the Procurement Department website

Related Policies:

Approval Date:

Effective Date: 3/15/05

Signed By: President’s Council

How to Request the Policy PDF

This online version of the policy may include updated links and names of departments. To request a PDF of the original, signed version of this policy, email the Office of the General Counsel, .