Family Network

The Family Network is your resource that is focused on enhancing the student experience at Towson and supporting all Tiger families. 

two students smiling

Join the Family Network

Becoming a member of the Family Network is easy. Membership requires a one-time minimum donation of $50, and lasts through the duration of your student’s time as an undergraduate at Towson University.

Virtual Family Chats

Winner of the NODA Region 8 Innovative Program for 2023

The Towson University Family Network Board hosts montly conversations the first Saturday of each month at 11 am ET. Join to participate in the conversation! 

Check for any supporting materials. The archive will continue to grow as the series continues!

Family Network Scholarships 

The Towson University Family Network distrubutes three scholarships each year- the Dabrowski, Feder, and Kolb Endowed Scholarships. The 2024 scholarship application period has ended, and scholarship winners will be recognized at Family Weekend on October 6.

Stephens Hall

Towson University Family Network Bylaws

Download the bylaws and see how the TUFN works to support families 

Bylaws (PDF)

2024 Board of Directors

  • Dr. Jackie Cody, President
  • Gina Anthony, Secretary

Connect with the TU Family Network