Robert Rook, Ph.D.



Contact Info

LA 4224
Tuesday 3:00pm-4:00pm
Wednesday 3:00pm-4:00pm
Other hours by appointment


Ph.D., Kansas State University, 1996

Areas of Expertise

History of the U.S., Middle East, and Indian Ocean Basin in the 20th century; environmental history, diplomatic & military history, history education


Robert Rook earned his in PhD in History at Kansas State University in 1996 for his dissertation, “Blueprints and Prophets: U.S. Water Resource Planning for the Jordan River Valley, 1860-1970.” Dr. Rook’s research focuses on the history of the Middle East and Indian Ocean Basin in the 20th century, particularly diplomatic and military history and environmental history. His current project examines the memorialization and commemoration of war in the Arab world. Dr. Rook has been a participant in the U.S. Navy’s Regional Security Education Program (RSEP) since 2007.

Selected Publications

“Mirrors, Mutuality, and Opportunities to Learn: The Teaching American History Program, Assessment, and Faculty,” in The Teaching American History Project: Lessons for History Educators and Historians (2009).

Courses Taught

 Fall 2024
HIST 484 Historical Themes: The Nuclear Age
HIST 331 American Military History: 1865-1950