Ph.D., University of Florida, 2023
M.A., Cleveland State University, 2017
J.D., Western Michigan University, Thomas M Cooley Law School
B.A., Baldwin Wallace University
Dr. Laura Callahan holds a BA in Spanish and International Studies from Baldwin Wallace
University, a JD from Thomas M. Cooley Law School, an MA in Spanish from Cleveland
State University, and a PhD in Romance Languages (Spanish) from the University of
Florida. Her research focuses on the themes of collective memory, psychoanalysis and
memory reconstruction (postmemory and prosthetic memory) through documentary film
as related to Argentina and the dictatorship that occurred there 1976-1983. She is
also interested in the role of physical space in the context of collective memory,
and testimony, particularly from immigrants to the United States and other marginalized
communities. She has published several documentaries on YouTube related to the immigrant
Selected Publications
- Callahan, L.M., Director. La mezc/a de quienes somos. Documentary made by students of SPN 3948 (Spanish in the Community):
- Callahan, L.M., Director. De aca pa'lla. Documentary made by students of SPN 3948 (Spanish in the Community):
- Lopez, A., Director, Callahan, L.M., Assistant Director. Aquf estoy: entre banderas y co/ores. Documentary made by students of SPN 3948 (Spanish in the Community):
- Callahan, L.M. Loque Marfa nos dej6. Documentary about the after-effects of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico:
Conference Presentations
- Callahan, L.M. "La Revitalizacion de la memoria en Argentina: el caso de Argentina,
1985." 77th Annual Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference, April 19, 2024.
- Callahan, L.M. “Memorias de cristal: (re)imaginando y (re)presentando el espacio de
la dictadura en Argentina.†75th Annual Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference, University of Kentucky. April 22, 2022.
- Wooten, J. and Callahan, L.M. “Connecting UF Classes and the Global Language Community
Through Virtual Exchange.†With Dr. Jennifer Wooten. Interface 2021 Conference, University
of Florida, April 15, 2021.
- Callahan, L.M. and Munoz, M. V. “Estrategias para integrar temas de justicia social
en el nivel principiante.†2020 AATSP Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, July
9-12, 2020.
- Callahan, L.M. “El papel del testimonio oral luego del huracan Maria: el trabajo de
David Begnaud en Puerto Rico.†Tercer Programa Academico del Festival de la Palabra,
San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 12, 2018.
- Callahan, L.M. “Recordar in absentia: el trauma y la posmemoria en el contexto de El ruido de las cosas al caer, de Juan Gabriel Vasquez.†XVIII Coloquio anual de literatura, linguistica y cultura
hispanoamericana y peninsular, University of Central Florida, February 22, 2018.
- Callahan, L.M. “Lacasa de Bernarda Alba: aportaciones al cambio sociopolitico posdictadura en Espana.†12th Annual Symposium in Spanish and Portuguese Studies, University of Florida, January
27, 2018.
- Callahan, L.M. “Se habla espanol: el acceso a la informaci6n en linea para los latinos
en los Estados Unidos.†XV Ohio Latinamericanists Conference, Case Western Reserve
University, October 20-21, 2016.
- Callahan, L.M. “‘Alabado sea el Senor’: el reggaeton como testimonio en ‘Coraza divina’
y ‘Corazones’ de Daddy Yankee.†Also panel moderator, “Caribbean Rap, Reggaeton and
Identities.†69th Annual Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference, University of Kentucky, April 13-16,
Invited Talks
- Callahan, L.M. “Using High Leverage Teaching Practices to Incorporate Critical Culture
in the Classroom.†Presentation to Dr. Jennifer Wooten's FOL 6943 class, October 20,
- Callahan, L.M. “Introduction to LinguaMeeting.†Presentation to Graduate Assistants
in Spanish and Portuguese Studies, University of Florida, September 23, 2022.
- Callahan, L.M. “Using What You Know: Incorporating the Culture Standard into Your
Classroom.†Presentation to Dr. Jennifer Wooten's FOL 6943 class, October 14, 2021.
- Callahan, L.M. “Using the Conversation Placement as a Tool in the Beginning Spanish
Classroom.†Pedagogy Roundtables, Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies Fall
2019 Orientation, University of Florida.
- Callahan, L.M. “Incorporating Culture into the Beginning Language Classroom Using
High Leverage Teaching Practices.†Presentation to Dr. Jennifer Wooten's FOL 6943
class, October 2, 2018.
- Callahan, L.M. “iHabla! Motivating Students to Participate in a Beginning Spanish
Classroom.†Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies Fall 2018 Orientation, University
of Florida.
- Callahan, L.M. “Lacasa de Bernarda Alba y la dictadura espanola.†Presentation to
Dr. Hebat El Attar’s SPN 373 class, Cleveland State University, March 22, 2017.
Funding and Awards
- 2021 I Calvin A. Vanderwerf Award for Excellence in Teaching
Awarded to the highest ranked graduate assistant at the University of Florida (selected
by faculty review committee)
- 2019 I Tinker Foundation Research Grant
$2500 travel grant for completing doctoral dissertation research in Argentina, awarded
by Center for Latin American Studies at University of Florida
- 2018 I Whitney Koonce Memorial Award
Award to a graduate student in Spanish and Portuguese Studies who demonstrates "tenacity
and kindness" during their time at the University of Florida
- 2018 I Lower Division Teaching Award
Award for excellence in teaching in Lower Division Language Program in Spanish at
University of Florida (chosen by faculty)
Courses Taught
- SPAN 101: Spanish Elements I
- SPAN 102: Spanish Elements II
- SPAN 201: Spanish Intermediate I
- SPAN 202: Spanish Intermediate II
- SPAN 301: Composition and Conversation I
- SPAN 680: Hispanics in the Media
Professional Affiliations
- American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Latin American Studies
- National Honor Societies: Phi Sigma Iota (Languages); Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish); Sigma
Iota Rho (International Studies)
- Organizaci6n de Estudiantes Graduados de Espanol, University of Florida (VP, 2019-2020)
State Bar of Michigan
- American Bar Association