Faizan Imtiaz


Assistant Professor, Organizational Psychology; Human Resource Development Graduate Program


Contact Info

LA 2129
Wednesday and Thursdays


Ph.D. in Psychology
Queen's University, 2018

M.S. in Sports Psychology
Queen's University

McMaster University

Areas of Expertise


Cross-Cultural Psychology

Group Dynamics

Aging and Lifespan Psychology


Dr. Imtiaz's research interests include generational differences across seniors and young adults in the workplace, group dynamics in multicultural teams, acculturation and the work experiences of immigrants, and examining resilience and performance in high pressure environments such as business and elite sport.

Selected Publications

Ji, L. J., Imtiaz, F., Su, Y., Zhang, Z., Bowie, A., & Chang, B. (2022). Culture, Aging, Self-Continuity, and Life Satisfaction. . 23(8), 3843-3864. 

Vaughan-Johnston, T., Imtiaz, F., Lee, A., & Ji, L. J. (2021). Age Differences in Leadership Positions Across Cultures. , 12:703831

Imtiaz, F., Ji, L. J., & Vaughan-Johnston, T. (2021). Exploring Preferences for Present- and Future-Focused Job Opportunities across Seniors and Young Adults. , 42, 470-487. 

Imtiaz, F. & Ji, L. J. (2020) Then and Now: Examining the Impact of Temporal Focus on Persuasive Messages across Seniors and Young Adults. , 47(1), 57-78.

Imtiaz, F., Ji, L. J., & Vaughan-Johnston, T. I. (2018). Exploring the Influence of a Low-dose Mindfulness Induction on Performance and Persistence in a Challenging Cognitive Task. , 2(4), 107-118.

Imtiaz, F., Ji, L. J., & Vaughan-Johnston, T. I. (In Press). Exploring the Influence of a Low-dose Mindfulness Induction on Performance and Persistence in a Challenging Cognitive Task. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology.

Imtiaz, F., Khei, M., & Ji, L. J. (2017). Resilience through Suffering: A Potential Military Application. In A. MacIntyre, D. Lagacé-Roy, and D. R. Lindsay (Eds.) Kingston, ON: CDA Press. 

Imtiaz, F., Hancock, D. J., & Côté, J. (2016). Examining young recreational male soccer players’ experience in adult- and peer-led structures. , 87(3), 295-304. 

Imtiaz, F., Hancock, D. J., Vierimaa, M. & Côté, J. (2014). Place of development and dropout in youth ice hockey. , 12, 234-244. 

Courses Taught

HRD 605: Managing Workplace Diversity

PSYC 325: Social Psychology

PSYC 225: Introduction to Social Psychology

Study Abroad in Psychology

Email Dr. Imtiaz for specific courses offered