Sushma Kumble, Ph.D.


Associate Professor

Sushma Kumble, Ph.D.

Contact Info

VB 205D


Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University

Areas of Expertise

Big data and machine learning

Health communication

Stigma communication

Social media messaging

Strategic communication


Dr. Kumble teaches courses in public relations, data analytics, and digital communication. Her research focuses on message design strategies for health communications. Her research program aims to yield practical communication strategies for health professionals by incorporating strategic communication and psychological theoretical frameworks. She uses various quantitative methods including computational methods, big data, social network analysis to answer her research questions. She has published in several academic journals including Communication & Sports Journal, International Journal of Communication, Stigma and Health Journal, Journal of Promotion Management. Additionally, she frequently presents her research at several leading national and international conferences. 

Dr. Kumble received her Ph.D. from the Pennsylvania State University where, she received the Djung Yune Tchoi Graduate Teaching Award, and the Don Davis Ethical Leadership Award. She has also received the promising professor’s award by the Mass Communication and Society division at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), and a coauthor of a top paper award for Public Relations Division at AEJMC. Dr. Kumble brings with her a range of international experiences in strategic communications having worked in the public relations industry in Dubai, and London and a start-up advertising agency. She also worked at the health and human performance lab in Carnegie Mellon University.

Selected Recent Publications

  • Kumble. S., Diddi. P., Bien-Amie. S. (Online first, 2022). ‘Your strength Is inspirational’: How Naomi Osaka’s twitter announcement destigmatizes mental health disclosures. Communication & Sports Journal.
  • Kumble. S., Shen. F. (2022). The effects of narratives and disclosure timings on reducing stigma and implicit bias against people suffering from  mental illness.. International Journal of Communication 16(1). 
  • Kumble. S., Diddi. P. (2021). Twitter conversation around COVID-19 during pre-pandemic period: Stigma and information format cues. Stigma and Health Journal, 6(3), 251–262. 
  • Diddi. P., Kumble. S., Shen. F. (2021). The efficacy of radio entertainment education in promoting health messages: A meta- analysis. Journal of Radio and Audio Media.

Selected Refereed Conference Presentations

  • Kumble. S., Diddi. P., Bien-Amie. S. (March 2023). Nikki Minaj tweets COVID-19 vaccine: Examining twitter bot’s responses to celebrity rumors. International Public Relations Research Conference.
  • Kumble. S., Wang, W., Diddi. P, Whitescarver. M. (March 2022) Message strategies used by mental health advocacy Groups on twitter to during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Public Relations Research Conference. 
  • Kumble. S., Conlin. J., Diddi. P. (August 2021) Using machine learning and social network analysis to understand the spread of Plandemic conspiracy theory during COVID-19. Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication Annual Conference, CommSHER Division.
  • Kumble. S., Diddi. P, Whitescarver. M. (August 2021) Social listening using machine learning to understand sense making and content dissemination on Twitter: A case study of WHO’s social listening strategy during COVID-19 initial phase. Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication Annual Conference, Public Relations Division.

Courses Taught

  • MCOM 253: Principles of Strategic Public Relations
  • MCOM 371: Media Audience and Analytics
  • MCOM 333: Social Media and Strategic Communication
  • MCOM 453: International Advertising and Public Relations
  • MCOM 606: Public Relations and Organizational Communication (Graduate course)
  • MCOM 670: SEO and Web Analytics (Graduate course)