Kathryn E McDougal, Ph.D.


Clinical Associate Professor


Contact Info

Science Complex, Room 4101E


B.S. Biochemistry, Alma College

Ph.D. Human Genetics and Molecular Biology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Postdoctoral Fellow, Genetic Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins/Bloomberg School of Public Health

Areas of Expertise

Human genetics and molecular biology


My research efforts stem from my focus to provide undergraduate students with the opportunity to experience authentic research within undergraduate courses.  Primarily, I work on genomics and epidemiology-based projects with students using data from the .  I also contribute to the research of Dr. Matthew Hemm, who studies novel small proteins in E.coli.



Green DM, Collaco JM, McDougal KE, Naughton KM, Blackman SM, Cutting GR. Heritability of Respiratory Infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Cystic Fibrosis. J Pediatr. 2012 Aug;161(2):290-5. 

Green DM, McDougal KE, Blackman SM, Sosnay PR, Henderson LB, Naughton KM, Collaco JM, Cutting GR. Mutations that permit residual CFTR function delay acquisition of multiple respiratory pathogens in CF patients. Respir Res. 2010 Oct 8;11:140.

McDougal KE, Green DM, Vanscoy LL, Fallin MD, Grow M, Cheng S, Blackman SM, Collaco JM, Henderson LB, Naughton K, Cutting GR. Use of a Modeling Framework to Evaluate the Effect of a Modifier Gene (MBL2) Upon Variation in Cystic Fibrosis. Eur J Hum Genet. 2010 Jun;18(6):680-4.

McDougal KE, Fallin MD, Moller DR, Song Z, Cutler DJ, Steiner LL, Cutting GR and the ACCESS Research Group. Variation in the Lymphotoxin-alpha/Tumor Necrosis Factor Locus Modifies Risk of Erythema Nodosum in Sarcoidosis. J Invest Dermatol. 2009 Aug;129(8):1921-6.

Bremer LA, Blackman SM, Vanscoy LL, McDougal KE, Bowers A, Naughton K, Cutler DJ, Cutting GR. Interaction between a novel TGFB1 haplotype and CFTR genotype is associated with improved lung function in cystic fibrosis. Hum Mol Genet. 2008 Jul 15;17(14):2228-37.

Collaco JM, Vanscoy L, Bremer L, McDougal K, Blackman S, Bowers A, Naughton K, Jennings J, Ellen J, Cutting G. Interactions between secondhand smoke and genes that affect Cystic Fibrosis lung disease. JAMA. 2008 Jan 30;299(4):417-24.

Buranawuti, K, Boyle MP, Cheng S, Steiner LL, McDougal K, Fallin MD, Merlo C, Zeitlin PL, Rosenstein BJ, Mogayzel, Jr. PJ, Wang X, Cutting G.R. Variants in mannose-binding lectin and tumor necrosis factor alpha affect survival in cystic fibrosis. J Med.Genet. 2007 Mar;44(3):209-14.

Courses Taught

BIOL 200/L Introduction to Cellular Biology and Genetics & Lab

BIOL 204 Educational and Career Planning for the Biologist

BIOL 210 Medical Terminology

BIOL 309 Genetics

BIOL 410 Molecular Biology Laboratory