Vanessa Beauchamp


Vanessa Beauchamp

Contact Info

Science Complex, Room 3101B


Ph.D. Plant Biology, Arizona State University
B.S. Biology, University of California, Irvine

Areas of Expertise

Plant community ecology; wetland ecology; restoration; invasive species


My research looks at plant communities in wetland and mesic forest systems. Recent projects have focused on the efficacy of legacy sediment removal and floodplain reconnection as a stream restoration technique; the effect of invasive wavyleaf basketgrass on forest ecosystems; and the ecosystem responses to overbrowsing by white-tailed deer.   


Heiselmeyer. T.**, A. Boulton, and V.B. Beauchamp. 2019. The relationship between native insects and an invasive grass (Oplismenus undulatifolius) in the mid-Atlantic United States. Northeastern Naturalist 26:183-201

Russell, K. N.** and V.B. Beauchamp. 2017. Plant species diversity in restored and created Delmarva Bay wetlands. Wetlands 37:1119-1133.

Breen, D.B.**, V.B. Beauchamp, S.M. Koontz**, and R.P. Roberts. 2015. The influence of agricultural abandonment and the abiotic environment on the vegetation communities of a suburban deciduous forest. Castanea 80:103-121.

Beauchamp, V.B., C.M. Swan, K. Szlavecz and J. Hu*. 2015. Riparian community structure and soil properties of restored urban streams. Ecohydrology 8:880-895.

Beauchamp, V. B., S. M. Koontz**, C. Suss*, C. Hawkins*, K. L. Kyde, and J. L. Schnase. 2013. An introduction to Oplismenus undulatifolius (Ard.) Roem. & Schult. (wavyleaf basketgrass), a recent invader in Mid-Atlantic forest understories. Journal of The Torrey Botanical Society 140: 391-413.

Beauchamp, V.B., N. Ghuznavi*, S.M. Koontz**, and R.P. Roberts. 2013. Edges, exotics and deer: The seed bank of a suburban secondary successional temperate deciduous forest. Applied Vegetation Science. 16: 571–584.

Courses Taught

  • Spring: BIOL 205 General Botany
  • Spring: BIOL 610 Population and Community Biology
  • Fall: BIOL 202 Introduction to Ecology and Evolution
  • Fall: BIOL 452 Wetland Ecology
  • Fall: BIOL XXX Ecological Field Research

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