Complex Callout Snippet

The Complex Callout snippet is intended for the full-width region and allows you to add a large background image, four overlaying images and several links. 

Required and Optional Fields

  • title: required (add bold to change the color of a word to gold)
  • subtitle: optional
  • button link: optional
  • button icon: optional
  • background image: required
  • image 1: optional
  • image 2: optional
  • image 3: optional
  • image 4: optional

When to Use It

Use the Complex Callout when you want to display multiple images and a single call-to-action hyperlink. 

When to Use Something Else

If you have a need for only one text-based callout and intend to use it in a page region other than the full-width region you should consider other snippet or component options.


Callout subtitle

Callout title strong.

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