Message from the Chairperson
A message from Dr. Amy Sowder Koch, Department of Art+Design, Art History, Art Education chairperson.

It has been another exciting semester and year for the Department of Art + Design, Art History, and Art Education, and we wanted to fill you in about some of the things going on here on campus. In May 2024 we celebrated the College of Fine Arts and Communication’s 2024 graduation and our alum Mike Flanagan ’02 was the university commencement speaker. Mike is a producer, director most notably known for his supernatural horror films. Mike spoke about his experiences as a student here at Towson University and how his experiences contributed to his success in life and professional career.
The art department had a busy spring 2024 semester, with four terrific exhibitions and a very successful pottery and art sale to close out the term. We love seeing many of you come through the Center for the Arts for exhibitions, artist’s talks, the Holiday Pottery and Art Sale and other events. Whether you come to campus regularly or check in with us just occasionally, we are always glad to hear how you’re doing.
“The Chicken and the Egg” ran in the Center for the Arts Gallery from February through April. We were thrilled to have two of the contributing artists, Sakura Maku and Krystle Lemonias, join us on campus for conversations with current students about their work and artistic practices.
MFA candidate Caroline Creeden presented her thesis exhibition, “The Old Family,” in the Holtzman Gallery in February and March. The undergraduate juried exhibition opened in April with a fantastic lecture from artist and conservator (and TU Art Department alum!) Adriana Benavides. We ended the semester with the in May, which was celebrated with a We are so proud of our new graduates and look forward to their many successes to come.
Currently we have two exhibitions “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights: International Posters on Gender-based Inequality, Violence, and Discrimination” (organized and curated by Elizabeth Resnick, Professor Emerita, Graphic Design, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston) in the Center for the Arts Gallery, and “MFA Thesis Exhibitions” in the Holtzman Gallery both on exhibit through December 7, 2024. Please keep your eye out and look for information on these and other upcoming events.
I hope that you are having an enjoyable fall and winter season, remember to please connect with us and if you’re feeling creative, join the College of Fine Arts and Communication for our spring 2025 community courses. We feature classes in dance, music, and a hands on art workshops and hope you’ll be a part of all the exciting events and happenings in the Department of Art+Design, Art History, Art Education.
Amy Sowder Koch
Chairperson, Department of Art + Design, Art History, and Art Education
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