Career & Internship Support





Professor Glenn Workman
Internship Coordinator



Consent of Music Internship Coordinator, successful completion with a grade of C or better MUSC 350 Music Industry: Live Performance and all additional courses determined by the Coordinator, junior/senior status, minimum GPA of 2.5 overall and 2.75 in music courses (including classes, ensembles and private lessons).


The student’s Worksite Supervisor evaluates the student at mid-term and at the conclusion of the internship in categories of preparation, communication skills, critical thinking, technology, and leadership development and ethics. In additional the Music Internship Coordinator will evaluate, for quality of presentation and comprehensiveness, the final narrative report and dossier which must be submitted to the Coordinator within one week of the conclusion of the internship.


The first step for any student considering an internship is to consul the Towson University Career Center website which has comprehensive information regarding all internships: /careercenter/student/internship.asp. The website also has downloads for forms which include:

  • Internship Pre-Registration Checklist
  • Calculating GPA in Major Courses
  • Steps for Determining Eligibility
  • Student Assignment and Work Site Assessmen
  • Learning Plan
  • Work Hours Log Form
  • Mid-semester Evaluation Form
  • Final Evaluation Form
  • Student’s Evaluation Form

A student taking an internship for music credit must also consult with Professor Glenn Workman, the Department of Music Internship Coordinator.

Non-music majors who meet the prerequisites may register for music business internships but it is advised first to consult the advisor in the major department if a student wants MUSC 497 to fulfill any requirements in another major.

What Types of Experience Quality for Music Internship Credit?

Many pre-existing internships have been approved on an on-going basis and any student who meets the eligibility requirements may chose one of them. In addition to the pre-approved internships a student may present a proposal to the Internship Coordinator for a new internship. Such internships will require documentation provided by the Worksite Coordinator to the Internship Coordinator. It is expected that the student will learn to accomplish tasks which are new to the student’s experience and that the Worksite Coordinator will act as a mentor, observing the student and providing regular feedback and guidance.

What types of experience do not qualify for music internship credit?

Internship credit is not given for prior-learning experience and for professional employment such as teaching and performing engagements. Internships need to be learning experiences under the direct supervision of a qualified working professional in the field.

Can interns be paid?

Perhaps. Most music internships are not paid but there are some programs where the student receives a stipend which is used to help compensate for expenses such as transportation and housing. International students with questions of VISA eligibility for a paid internship should consult with an advisor from the International Student Office.

What is required for the final report and dossier?

The final report is narrative and of approximately 4-5 page typewritten pages. The principal focus of the report is a narrative summary of the activity. It should identify the goals, a chronology of activity, and conclude with a critical evaluation of whether the goals were reached. The dossier is ordinarily a binder, often similar to a scrapbook which should include all the official internship forms and, to whatever extent is possible and in whatever format is appropriate, documentation. This may include sample programs, reports, schedules, writings, audio and/or multimedia recordings, photograph, media coverage, and correspondence.

Determination of Credit Hours

Students must complete 45 clock hours of internship for each academic credit. It is possible to register for 1-6 credits per term and the course can be repeated for credit up to the University limits. It is possible to take MUSC 497 in any term, including spring, fall, summer and the January minimester.

Limitation of Credit Hours Applied to Music Major Requirements

Music majors may apply a maximum of three internship credits to satisfy MUSC upper division elective requirements for any degree; requests to exceed this number will require written approval of the Chair of the Department of Music.

Students requesting permission to apply more than three internship credits must submit a written petition, approved and signed by the student, the internship coordinator, and the student’s academic advisor.

Time Line

Students contemplating an internship, especially if it is to serve a capstone experience, should begin planning one year in advance by referring to the Career Center internship website, researching available internships and corresponding with the Internship Coordinator via email. The student must have approval of the Internship Coordinator prior to the pre-registration for the term of the internship. Once the Coordinator has approved the internship he will contact Mary Ann Criss to request authorization for the student to register for the internship course.

An internship may have starting and ending dates which do not coincide with the academic class calendar. Ordinarily a student should register for the term during which the internship will conclude in order to avoid an incomplete; sometimes a student will be authorized to begin an internship prior to the start of classes of the term of registration.