Forms & Policies

Form/Document Description
Web-based floor plans for campus buildings. Login required.
Central Stores Requisition (PDF) For use in requesting TU logo envelopes, interoffice envelopes, and class record books.
Certificate of Records Disposal (PDF) Used for tracking university records.
Design & Construction Standards Request (PDF) For use by contractors or vendors preparing bids for university construction and renovation projects.
Used to request approval to drive TU vehicles.
Form used to request university vehicles and vans. 
Used to request office moves, records storage, and other services from Material Management.
For use in requesting larger maintenance and building projects.
For use in requesting small-scale maintenance and building projects.
For use to request new space, reallocate space, or modify existing space.
For use to request new or used furniture, systems furniture (i.e., cubicles), test fits, window film, or window treatments.