Resources for Graduate Students
The Department of Computer & Information Sciences provides a variety of services, opportunities and facilities to help insure the academic success of our Graduate students.
Academic Advising
Academic advising questions can be directed to the following email addresses:
AIT MS Students: ait AT_TOWSON
CS MS Students: msincs AT_TOWSON
Using these email addresses ensures that your question gets to both the Graduate Programs Coordinator and the Program Directors for CIS department graduate programs.
Prospective and current graduate students may schedule a meeting with a peer advisor for assistance with planning degree progress, navigating TU resources, and learning more about the graduate programs.
Schedule a CIS .
Additional Information
- Upon matriculation, AIT MS and Graduate Certificate students are added to the AIT M.S. Program site on BlackBoard. This site can be found under Organizations and contains a wealth of helpful information on the AIT M.S. program’s procedures, policies, and links to campus resources. If you are an AIT MS and/or Graduate Certificate student and do not see this site under Organizations, please email ait AT_TOWSON.
- Graduate Student Association:
- All graduate students are members of the Graduate Student Association (GSA). The GSA offers workshops, research and professional development funds and graduate student resources to support students' academic and professional success. We encourage you to get involved with the GSA.