
Here are some of the facilities used for study and research by undergraduate geosciences students

in the microscope lab

Microscope Lab

More than 15 petrographic microscopes are available for teaching and research uses.


X-Ray Fluorescence

The Rigaku Primus IV wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer measures elemental concentrations. Samples are either dissolved and made into a glass fusion bead or pressed as pellets for analysis. Almost any material that can be prepared in this manner can be analyzed by the XRF. A built-in auto-sampler allows for unattended operation.

student in clean room

Clean Room

Multiple clean rooms are available for preparation of rock and water samples for trace or isotopic analysis

sem control desk

Scanning Electron Microscope

The department now houses a brand new Phenom ProX tabletop scanning electron microscope with fully integrated EDS capabilities. This low vacuum tabletop SEM is capable of accelerating voltages between 5kV and 15kV and magnifications up to 130,000x. The low vacuum allows for visualization of uncoated specimens and biologic samples. This SEM also utilizes a digital color navigation camera and automated navigation to regions of interest. The EDS system utilizes a silicon drift detector with detection of elements from B to Am.

stream table

Stream Table

A 10-foot long stream table is used in introductory geology labs, upper division classes, and even academic research. This table gives the ability to watch stream systems develop right before your eyes. Set up the landscape of your choice (e.g., flat, sloped, valleys, wells), turn on the water, and let nature (in miniature) take its course.



The Agilent 5900 ICP-OES (optical emission spectrometer) measures concentrations of inorganic elements into the part-per-billion (ppb) level as well as isotopic ratios. An auto-sampler allows for unattended operation.

UEBL processing area


Geology faculty are an integral part of the Urban Environmental Biogeochemistry Laboratory (UEBL), which is a collaborative effort between the departments of biology, chemistry, and physics, astronomy, and geosciences, and supports student and faculty research in these departments as well as the Environmental Science Program.

UEBL Website