An on-demand shuttle available from 2 a.m. to 7 a.m. seven days a week.
During the overnight hours when on-campus shuttles aren’t operating, SafeRide offers point-to-point service for any area of campus accessible by a vehicle. To request a ride, call 410-704-SAFE or hail the SafeRide driver whenever on campus. Pick up usually occurs within 10-15 minutes of the initial request, though it may take up to 30 minutes during high-demand windows. Please plan accordingly.

- Service will be provided to any on campus location accessible with a vehicle.
- When on campus, you may feel free to flag down the Safe Ride bus for service in any area accessible by vehicle.
If at any time you are uncomfortable walking on campus, you may request a SafeWalk escort. Call the TUPD at 410-704-SAFE to request an escort at any time of day.
See Transportation Regulations (PDF) for more detailed information on SafeRide and SafeWalk.