The deans oversee the six academic colleges in addition to the Office of Graduate Studies, the Honors College, and the University Library.
At Towson University, deans play a central role individually and as a group, in the university's academic administration.
Deans are involved centrally in issues including strategic planning, budget, curriculum, facilities and research. Moreover, they are key participants in external relations of the university including fundraising, alumni relations, economic development, political priorities (federal and state) and internal and external community relations.
On behalf of students, deans support and promote the highest quality educational programs, scholarly inquiry, public service and economic development activities of their respective colleges and entities.

Associate Deans
Judy Harris, Associate Dean of the College of Business & Economics | jlharris AT_TOWSON |
Laila Richman, Associate Dean of the College of Education | lrichman AT_TOWSON |
Greg Faller, Associate Dean of the College of Fine Arts & Communication | gfaller AT_TOWSON |
Tab Uhrich, Associate Dean of the College of Health Professions | tuhrich AT_TOWSON |
Karen Eskow, Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts | keskow AT_TOWSON |
Ming Tomayko, Associate Dean for Teaching and Student Success | |
David Ownby, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies | downby AT_TOWSON |
Bria Sinnott, Associate Dean of Cook Library | bsinnott AT_TOWSON |
Assistant Deans
Alhena Gadotti, Assistant Dean of the College of Liberal Arts | agadotti AT_TOWSON |
Lisa T. Simmons, Assistant Dean of the College of Business & Economics | Ltsimmons AT_TOWSON |