Class Schedule Building

Fall 2024

Departments can begin working on the schedule Thursday, December 21, 2023, and should validate by Monday, February 12, 2024. Official proofing for Fall 2024 will take place March 4 and 5, and the schedule will be published by Friday, March 8, 2024. 

Registration begins Monday, April 8, 2024. 

Fall Break is on Friday, October 25 (TU is open but there are no classes).

Minimester / Spring 2025

Departments can begin working on the Minimester 2025 schedule in CLSS on Monday, August 5, 2024. Departments should validate by September 9, 2024, and proof September 11, 2024. The Mini 2025 schedule will be published September 13, 2024.

Registration for Mini 2025 begins October 14, 2024.

Departments can begin working on the Spring 2025 schedule in CLSS on Monday, August 5, 2024. Departments should validate by September 18, 2024, and proof October 3-4, 2024. The Spring 2025 schedule will be published October 9, 2024.

Registration for Spring 2025 begins November 11, 2024.

Summer 2025

Departments can begin working on the Summer 2025 schedule in CLSS Monday, August 5, 2024. Departments should validate by October 7, 2024, and proof October 28-29, 2024. The Summer 2025 schedule will be published November 1, 2024.

Registration begins March 10, 2025.

We no longer require CTF forms, but will still need to be notified via email about:

  • Classes that Meet Together but are not Combined in CLSS (like the lectures for LLBs).
  • TSEM 102 Sections
  • Questions about Special Topic Titles

University Courses & Program Modality Definitions


On-campus (in-person) course: classes consist of synchronous instruction occurring with the learner(s) and the instructor(s) in the same location at a university site.   At TU, up to 10% of the instruction in an on-campus (in-person) course may be conducted online.

Online (distance education) course: all instruction must occur synchronously or asynchronously online. At TU, 100% of the instruction in an online (distance education) course must occur online. However, on-campus meetings/activities are permitted for orientation, testing or academic support services.

Hybrid course*: instruction occurs both on-campus and online to the same group of learners.  At TU, 10-90% of the instruction in a hybrid course must occur online.


Distance education program: comprised of 100% online (distance education) courses. Requirements for in-person orientation, testing or academic support are permitted in distance education programs.

On-campus program: a program that is not a distance education program.

Both: a program that is offered in both distance education modality and on-campus modality

*Any course with less than 10% online instruction is considered an on-campus (in-person) course.  Any course with more than 90% online instruction is not considered to be a hybrid course; it is also not considered to be an online (distance education) course as 100% of instruction in online (distance education) courses must occur online.

**COMAR definitions used on MHEC program proposal coversheets



  • Suzanne Hill - x4-4347
  • Veronica Musick - x4-2278
  • Yolanda Carter - x4-5236