Accounts Receivable Invoice Systems

The Student & University Billing Office offers training sessions for the departmental creators (preparer of the invoice) and the departmental approver (approval authority) for access privileges to our two non-departmental invoice systems: Online Invoice System and Stratus AR. The Online Invoice System is used to invoice students and certain, student-related organizations for miscellaneous charges. The Stratus AR system is used to invoice most organizations and non-student persons.

Each department requires two individuals to use the system (a Creator and an Approver). Once the creator and approver have completed the mandatory training for the necessary invoicing system, full access to use the system will be authorized.

There are a few easy steps to sign up for either a creator or approver training session. Our training series takes place in Enrollment Services room 306, or via Webex.

  • Appoint one person to be the primary contact and coordinator for your department. Preferably the department head.
  • Identify a creator who will prepare the invoices for your department and identify the approver who will review the prepared invoice and approve it.
  •  for the creator, approver and the item types/memo lines to be utilized by your department will need to be completed and submitted to the Student & University Billing Office for processing and security and department profile set up.
  • A training date cannot be set up for the creator or the approver until the security authorization forms are completed and submitted to  in the Student & University Billing Office (Enrollment Services room 321, x4-4603 or fax x4-2884.

A convenient training date will be confirmed with you by the Student & University Billing Office once your security forms have been submitted and processed within the appropriate invoice system.

For questions regarding all security forms or inquiries about your training date, please contact at x4-4603.

Training Session Information

Please note that access to the online invoice system and Stratus AR system will be available within one business week following your training session.  A notification e-mail will be forwarded to you when your access is available.

Online Invoice System

  • System manual (PDF): please review the Online Invoice System manual prior to the training session, and have it available during the session. This will give you an idea of what to expect during the training session, as well as give you an opportunity to come to the training with any possible questions.

Stratus AR

Security Authorization Forms

The security authorization forms are available in the . Please mail completed authorization forms to in Enrollment Services room 321. Forms may also be faxed to Mike Mullenholz at x4-2884. Forms must be received 48 hours prior to your training session.

Stratus AR

  • Stratus AR Creator Security Form: the creator is the individual who will create the invoice in the Stratus AR system
  • Stratus AR Approver Security Form: the Approver is the individual who will give final approval in the Stratus AR system.  In the Stratus AR system, the approver CANNOT create an invoice
  • Stratus AR Request for New Memo Line: used to create memo lines for your department for use with the Stratus AR system
  • Stratus AR New Org Request form:  used to create a new organization or non-student person in the Stratus AR system

Online Invoice System

  • Item type security request form: used to create item types for your department for use with the online invoice system
  • Item type authorization form: adds item types to your department for use with the online invoice system
  • Creator request form: the creator is the individual who will create the invoice in the online invoice system
  • Approver request form: the Approver is the individual who will give final approval in the online invoice system.  In the online invoice system, the approver CANNOT create an invoice
  • View all request form: for Student & University Billing Office and Financial Services personnel only
  • Cashier request form: for Student & University Billing Office only
  • Print processor request form: for Student & University Billing Office only

Invoice System Logins

You can use the following links to access the test and production environments for both the Online Invoice System and Stratus AR system. If you have already completed your training session and have received an activation email, please use the Production environment to begin creating invoices. Otherwise, use the Test environment links.

Online Invoice System

  • Test Environment:
  • Production Environment:

Stratus AR

  • Test Environment:
  • Production Environment:
    • Navigate to the Stratus Financials tile and click/tap to login