Policies for On-Campus Housing

All students present in on-campus housing are responsible for all policies and procedures described below. On-campus housing is defined as all residential buildings located on the Towson University campus or any facility leased by the university for student housing. Students living in on-campus housing (referred to here as "residents") are also responsible for all provisions in the University Housing Contract. These policies are in addition to the Code of Student Accountability that residents are expected to adhere to. Persons violating any policies while in on-campus housing will be held responsible through the process outlined in Towson University’s Code of Student Accountability.

Prohibited Conduct in On-campus Housing

Residents of on-campus housing are responsible for all behavior that takes place in their rooms or apartment, including behavior of their guests. Residents living in quads are responsible for all behavior that takes place in the common area shared within the quad.

In on-campus housing, all Housing & Residence Life and Towson University Code of Student Accountability policies related to alcohol and other drugs apply. Additionally, residents in on-campus housing are responsible for obeying federal, state, and local laws related to alcohol and other drugs.

  1. Residents under 21 are prohibited from
    1. Possessing empty alcohol containers, alcohol paraphernalia, or decorative/hobby alcoholic beverage containers.
  2. Residents 21 or over are prohibited from:
    1. Possessing more than one 12-pack of beer, or one bottle of wine, or one quart of liquor at any given time.
  3. Regardless of age, residents are prohibited from:
    1. Having common source containers or kegs. Such containers include, but are not limited to: kegs, pony kegs, beer balls, handles, punch bowls, and other multi-quart containers of alcohol.
    2. Playing drinking games or possessing paraphernalia related to drinking games.
  4. Drugs
    1. All Students are prohibited from being in the presence of illegal drugs or unauthorized controlled substances (including marijuana) when such drugs or substances are present or are being used.
  5. Smoking

Towson University is a smoke-free campus. Smoking, including electronic cigarettes, is prohibited in all on-campus housing. Please see the TU Smoke-Free Policy for complete details. Water pipes, hookahs, and similar devices are prohibited.

  1. Residents should only be present in the residence halls during authorized periods of occupancy while classes are in session.  During specified residence hall closings, residents should vacate the halls as directed, unless they have a contract or license for housing that is open during breaks.
  2. All individuals entering on-campus housing must provide proper identification.  Towson University students must present a valid OneCard.  All guests must be registered and be accompanied by their host at all times.
  3. All individuals must enter and exit the residence halls through designated entry doorways.  Entry or exit through windows, loading docks, or unauthorized areas is prohibited.
  4. Residents are not permitted to give issued keys to any person.  Duplication of keys is prohibited.


  1. Residents who have been officially authorized and assigned to live on campus may reside in on-campus housing.  All others are prohibited to utilize the assigned space as a primary dwelling.  Residents have the right to enter into their assigned space at all times. 
  2. Guests, defined as any person not assigned to the designated space, are not a right but solely a privilege granted by the roommate(s).  
  3. Residents wishing to host guests must first acquire permission, in advance, from their roommate(s).  
  4. The resident hosting guest(s) is expected to go elsewhere when the roommate(s) has not granted permission. When permission is granted by the roommate(s), a resident may host no more than three (3) overnight guest(s) for no more than three (3) nights in a seven (7) day period. There can be no signs of cohabitation that include repeated stays by guests and keeping belongings in the room. 
  5. Residents may have no more than three (3) guests registered at one time.   
  6. All guests must be registered and be accompanied by their host at all times. Hosts are responsible for their guests and will be held accountable for their actions and behavior. 
  7. Use of restrooms designated by gender, by persons of the opposite gender is prohibited.  All Gender restrooms are available in each residence hall. 
  8. Guests are prohibited from bringing alcoholic beverages into on-campus housing, regardless of age.  Housing & Residence Life reserves the right to inspect bags and other portable items. 

Intentionally or recklessly damaging, destroying, defacing, or tampering with University property is prohibited.

Individuals identified as responsible for damage, theft, loss or special services (whether intentional or negligent) in their assigned space or in common areas of the housing and dining facilities will be charged the cost of repair, replacement or restoration, within or to the assigned space or building or public areas, and any necessary cleaning charges.  When individual responsibility cannot be determined, residents may be held collectively responsible at the University’s discretion for damage, theft, loss or special service to the assigned space, to common areas or to university fixtures, furnishings or property within them. 

An equal portion of the charges will be assessed to each student in the assigned space, building or residence area, as appropriate.

  1.  Residents and guests shall comply with all directives of Housing & Residence Life staff (including RA staff) acting in performance of their duties.
  2. Residents and guests will accurately identify themselves at the request of Housing & Residence Life staff acting in performance of their duties.
  1. Pets
    1. Fish are allowed in on-campus housing. They must be kept in tanks smaller than 10 gallons, without electrical equipment.
    2. No other pets or experimental animals (living or dead) are allowed.
    3. Exemptions to this policy may be approved for residents with a documented need for a comfort or service animal (see below).
  2. Service/Comfort Animals 
    1. Although pets/animals of any type are prohibited from living in University Housing, the University will consider a request by an individual with a disability for reasonable accommodation from this prohibition to allow a documented need for a Service/Comfort Animal that is necessary because of a disability or reasonable accommodation. No Service/Comfort animal may be kept in University Housing at any time prior to receiving approval as a reasonable accommodation.

      To apply for a Service/Comfort animal, you must submit documentation of a disability and need for a Service/Comfort animal to Accessibility & Disability Services (ADS), along with the ADS application that is available at: www.towson.edu/ads. Documentation must be completed by a physician/psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker or other mental health professional and establish a disability for which an animal is needed to provide disability-related assistance or emotional support. ADS will schedule a meeting once all forms and documentation are received and will determine if all criteria is met to approve the request. Once the request has been approved, ADS will notify Housing & Residence Life you have been approved to bring a Service/Comfort animal into university housing and the type of animal you will be bringing.

  1. Weapons
    1. Weapons as described in the Code of Student Accountability are prohibited.
  2. Hazardous materials
    1. Hazardous materials as described in the Code of Student Accountability are prohibited.
  3. Posting outside of rooms and solicitation
    1. Items, graphics, or language which violate the harassment and discrimination definitions found in the Code of Student Accountability shall not be displayed on a door or be viewable from outside a room, quad, suite, or apartment.
    2. Advertising and other forms of solicitation, including public postings, are prohibited.
  4. Transportation devices. 
    1. Bicycles are allowed inside on-campus housing only in student rooms and apartments. Bicycles cannot be left in any public area. Bicycles may not be used in or around the building.
    2. Motorcycles, motor scooters, mopeds, hover boards, and other fuel-powered vehicles are prohibited in on-campus housing and must be parked in accordance with University parking regulations.
Theft of property or services as described in the Code of Student Accountability is prohibited
Residents and guests are expected to adhere to the designated courtesy and quiet hours. 
  1. During courtesy hours, noise shall not disturb others or be heard more than three doors away, one floor above or below, or outside of the residence hall. Noise occurring outside of the residence hall should not be heard inside the residence hall.
  2. Amplified instruments can only be used with headphones regardless of the time of day.
  3. During quiet hours, noise shall not penetrate another room, or be heard more than one door away from the room.
  4. The minimum quiet hours are mandatory.  Each community may elect to extend, but not shorten, quiet hours.

    All Residence Halls (except Douglass House)
    Hours: Sunday - Thursday 10 p.m. until 8 a.m.
    Friday - Midnight Saturday until 10 a.m. Sunday
    Douglass House (Honors Community)
    Hours: Sunday - Thursday - 8 p.m. until 10 a.m.
    Friday & Saturday 10 p.m. until 10 a.m.
  5. Finals Week: 24-hour quiet hours will be in effect beginning at 10:00 p.m. the day before the first exam and will stay in effect through the last exam.

Residents should recognize violating any fire safety policy could result in immediate termination of the housing contract or license.

  1. Candles, incense, and open flames: The possession of candles and incense is not permitted in on-campus housing. The use of objects with open flames is prohibited.
  2. Doors: Tampering with doors or preventing the door from latching is prohibited. Propping open exterior, quad, bathroom, stairwell, corridor, or other public doors is prohibited.
  3. Fire alarms: All students and guests should immediately vacate the building when a fire alarm sounds and report to a designated congregation area. People are not permitted to reenter the building until instructed to do so by an appropriate official. 
  4. Obstructions: No items inside a student room, quad, apartment, or common space shall obstruct the doorway or impede entering or exiting the room. A clear view from the doorway into the room, quad, apartment, or common space is required. No items are permitted to block clear view into or out of a room, quad, apartment, or common space.
  5. Items on fire equipment and sprinkler system: No items may be hung, adhered, or affixed to any fire equipment or ceiling, including sprinkler systems.
  6. Wires: Uncovered wires shall not be placed in an area where a person could step on them. Wires are not permitted to be taped to the floor or carpet. Wires in foot traffic areas must be in a cord cover that is Underwriters Laboratory (UL) approved. Any damaged wires must be discarded.
  7. Tampering or interfering with fire equipment, causing false alarms, or interfering with firefighters is prohibited. Inappropriate use or removal of fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, smoke detectors, exit signs, call boxes, or room alarms is also prohibited.
  8. To help ensure safe evacuation, the following occupancy levels represent the maximum number of individuals allowed in a given space at any time (including the residents):
    1. Single Rooms: 4
    2. 2-Capacity/Fall Triple Rooms*: 8
    3. 3-Capacity Rooms: 10
    4. 4-Capacity Rooms: 12
    5. 1- Bedroom Apartments: 12
    6. 2- Bedroom Apartments: 16
    7. 4- Bedroom Apartments: 24
  9. Room decorations specifications
    1. Fresh-cut trees and dried vegetation is prohibited.
    2. All decorations must be at least three feet away from a heat source.
    3. Electrical light sets must be UL or FM labeled and identified for indoor use. No more than three strings of lights can be connected together. Light sets must be turned off whenever the room or apartment is unattended.
  1. All on-campus housing rooms are furnished as deemed appropriate by Housing & Residence Life. No provided furniture can be removed from the student room or apartment.
  2. Mattresses are to be used on the bed frames provided and not on the floor. All beds, except bunk beds, must remain on the floor and may not be elevated in any manner. Waterbeds, other beds, or any other large pieces of furniture (i.e., wardrobes, dressers, etc.) may not be brought into the residence halls. Furniture is to remain upright and be used as designed, and is not to be disassembled in any manner. Furniture may not be stacked.
  3. Furniture in public areas and quads cannot be removed or moved into a student room. Missing furniture may result in student conduct action and/or damage billing.
  4. Individual air conditioning units are prohibited.
  5. The only electrical cooking appliance that is allowed in student rooms is the university provided MicroFridge and single cup coffee makers (e.g. Keurig). Other refrigerators, freezers, or microwaves are prohibited. The possession of other electrical cooking appliances is prohibited in student rooms. Small cooking appliances are permitted in apartments.
  6. In residence hall and on-campus housing apartment kitchens, residents may store and use only Underwriter Laboratory (UL) or Factory Mutual (FM) approved appliances with an enclosed heating element. Heating or cooking devices that utilize flammable liquids or flammable compressed gases are prohibited.
  7. Extension cords are prohibited. All electrical appliances must either be plugged directly into the wall outlet or plugged into an Underwriter Laboratory (UL) or Factory Mutual (FM) listed power strip that contains a circuit breaker or a replaceable fuse. Electrical items with frayed electrical cords or damaged plugs should be either repaired or discarded. Electrical cords should never be run under mattresses, rugs, carpeting, or other potentially combustible materials (see Fire Safety).
  8. The misuse of or failure to properly attend to any electrical appliance (e.g., iron, hair dryer, etc.) is prohibited.
  1. Students, employees, or other individuals should report that a student has been missing for 24 hours to the Towson University Police, or to the appropriate Residence Life staff member (i.e., Residence Life Coordinator or Resident Assistant). Any official missing student report will be referred to the Towson University Police.
  2. Each student in on-campus housing may identify a contact person to be notified within 24 hours of the determination by Towson University Police that the student is missing. Students may identify the contact person on the Housing and Residence Life Student Information Card, which is filled out at the building Community Center upon moving into the residence hall.
  3. Contact information will be kept and maintained confidentially. It will be accessible only to authorized campus personnel, and it may not be disclosed, except to law enforcement personnel in furtherance of a missing person investigation.
  4. If a student under 18 is determined by the Towson University Police to be missing, the University must notify a custodial parent or guardian, in addition to any contact person designated by the student, within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing. Whether or not a student names a contact person, the University will notify the appropriate local law enforcement agency that the student is missing within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing.
  1. The University shall have the right to enter the student's room (or apartment) to enforce the Code of Student Accountability. The right of entry shall include the right to inspect the room (or apartment) to protect the health and safety of residents and University employees and/or agents, to maintain order and discipline, and to keep the rooms in good order and repair.
  2. Entering or allowing other persons to enter a student's assigned room (or apartment) without permission at the time of entry of a resident of that room (or apartment) is prohibited. Residents living in suites shall not enter or allow others to enter the adjoining room through the bathroom without permission of a resident of that room.
  1. Athletic or recreational activity or the use of athletic or recreational equipment is prohibited in and immediately outside on-campus housing. This includes the use of bicycles and skates.
  2. Gambling is not permitted in on-campus housing.
  3. No additional locking device may be placed on any door (room, exterior, quad, bathroom, stairwell, corridor, hallway, or closet).
  4. Windows and screens are not to be removed for any reason.
  5. No objects may be thrown or dropped from windows, balconies, or other elevated areas.
  6. Permanent and semi-permanent (ex. paint, wallpaper, etc.) alterations to walls, furniture, and other surfaces are prohibited.

Hate Crimes or Bias Incidents Reporting

Support for Students filing a Complainant

In order to prompt an investigation or response, the incident must be reported. Anyone who feels they have been a victim, who has witnessed, or who learns of a hate crime or bias incident can report the incident by completing a . Information may also be reported to TUPD. Information does not need to be duplicated as a critical incident report through Advocate. The Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents Reporting Form is part of the Advocate reporting process. Please take photos of the scene.  The staff can assist with uploading all photos into Advocate.

  1. Within 24-hours, the Residence Life Coordinator, or Residence Life On-Call staff will make every attempt to speak with the student, to see how they are doing. The Housing and Residence Life staff will share University Resources available to include; the Office of Inclusion and Institutional Equity, the Center for Student Diversity and the Counseling Center.
  2. Housing and Residence Life staff will develop a response plan to support residents, and to help connect and inform the community. The plan may include a letter to the floor, floor meeting, community meeting, town hall meeting, building council discussion, or another type of educational programs. 
  3. Housing and Residence Life staff are available 24-hours a day to assist students with reporting an incident, providing resources and a listening ear.


Reports should be submitted via the    

Campus Police 410-704-4444

Center for Student Diversity 410-704-2051

Office of Inclusion and Institutional Equity 410-704-0203

Housing and Residence Life 410-704-2516

Office of Student Accountability and Restorative Practices 410-704-2057

 International Students and Scholars 410-704 2421

 Counseling Center 410-704-2512


Department of Housing & Residence Life

Marshall Hall Suite 50
8000 York Road
Towson, MD 21252-0001
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.