Apple Software Purchases

Mac and Apple iPad, iPod Touch, iPhone software purchases must be made through Apple Education Sales for tax-free purchasing. 

For Mac Computers

To purchase tax-free single or multiple apps for Macs, call Apple Education Sales at 1-800-800-2775, menu options 4, 3 to get quotes and make purchases over the phone. 

Do not purchase Mac computers by calling Apple Education Sales. See options for purchasing Mac computers, iPads, iPod Touch, and iPhones.

For iOS devices 

Single license purchases: to purchase a single app for a single iOS device (iPad, iPhone, etc.) with a university procurement card go to the . 

IMPORTANT: You can only purchase apps from the public app store above with a university p-card if no tax is charged on the app. If an app purchase includes a tax charge, there are two options: purchase the app following the university Volume Purchase procedures or use a personal credit card.

Volume software purchases: To purchase multiple licenses for a specific app for multiple devices in departments or computer labs with a university procurement card, use Apple School Manager (  

If you are a first time user of Apple School Manager, submit a service ticket to request an Apple School Manager Account.