Internships Abroad

An internship abroad provides an excellent way to gain real world experience in a global setting.

Group of students studying abroad

Outcomes from a study abroad experience, when combined with an internship, match the top qualifications that employers seek in career-ready job candidates.

AIFS (American Institute for Foreign Study) survey responses from nearly 1,600 alumni reveal their study abroad/internship experience:

  • Aided their ability to formulate career goals and clarify professional aspirations (86%)
  • Influenced ability to adapt to diverse workplace environments (86%)
  • Broadened range of sectors in which they were interested in working (85%)
  • Indicated they were asked to speak about their study abroad experience in a job interview (66%)
  • Helped them develop skills and intercultural competencies that contributed to obtaining their first job after graduation (58%)

Whether your internship is full time or combined with regular classes, the Study Abroad & Away Office can help you find a program that is right for you.

  • Search for opportunities in the database. Use the key word, “internships.â€
  • Explore  for additional resources for international internships on your own.


Once you've found an opportunity that interests you, be sure to follow these steps...

Scholarship Opportunities

If you’re up for more of a challenge and exotic travel that could lead to full coverage and non-competitive 3-year eligibility of government employment, consider the .

Additional Guidelines

To truly gain the most from your investment follow these guidelines:

Before You Go

Meet with a Career Center coach or advisor to plan communication around internship and job fairs, on-campus recruiting, workshops, networking and other career-development events, grad and professional school applications, internship and job search.

While Abroad

Update LinkedIn profile and resume; schedule Skype appointments with career coach/advisor; continue internship/job search; tap into campus events with employers; attend virtual job fairs; volunteer; stay up-to-date on career industry news in host country; tap resources such as and ; reflect.

Upon Return

Reflect; update your resume; enhance your LinkedIn profile; attend a re-entry event; share your experience; alter your interview strategy; include examples from your internship abroad to illustrate your career competencies in an interview.