Accepting & Maximizing Internships

Congratulations, you're received an internship offer! Learn how to evaluate the offer and make sure it is worth your time.
Step One: Evaluate Offers
If you are earning credit, does it meet the requirements of your department?
- Contact your internship coordinator if you have additional questions – Refer to the list of Towson University Faculty Contacts for Internships (PDF)
Make sure it will be a successful internship
- Does the work feel meaningful and useful?
- Will the work challenge you to grow?
- Will the supervisor/staff make you feel a part of the work group?
- Is the supervisor/staff accessible to you (on site and available) and willing to guide you and answer your questions?
- Are there opportunities to learn about the career field presented through your day-to-day activities, through informal conversations with staff, by participating in staff meetings, or observing site visits or staff training sessions?
What should I look for in an internship?
Step Two: Accept or Decline an Offer
Be sure to have all the information before you accept an offer
Ask about start and end dates, work hours, compensation, dress codes, supervision, and any other expectations the employer may have
If you want to earn credit for the internship, make sure the position will be approved before accepting an offer
What if I have to turn down an offer?
If you need to turn down an offer or even ask for more time to decide, this can help
Step Three: Maximize your Internship
How do I maximize my internship?
Enroll in our tutorial to learn how to be professional and work effectively in your internship
Make a good first impression in the office
Set goals with your supervisor to make the most of your experience
Find out what the rules and policies are at your host company
Work towards acquiring Career Ready Skills (PDF)

An on-demand FREE tutorial with resources, tips, and tricks to help you navigate an internship from start to finish.
Step Four: It’s Over! Now What?
Enroll in our Intern P.R.O.
Enroll in our tutorial to learn how to reflect on the experience
Ask yourself these reflection questions
What were your goals and expectations from your internship before you started?
Did your internship meet or exceed your expectations? Why or why not?
Did you meet your learning goals? If so, how? If not, why not?
Were you academically prepared for your internship (industry knowledge)? If not, what knowledge did you need?
How did you apply knowledge from your coursework to your internship? How might you apply what you’ve learned from your internship to future coursework?
What skills have you learned that you can/will apply to future work settings?
What new ideas have you gained from this experience about career possibilities?
What did you learn about yourself from this experience?
What did you learn about successfully navigating the workplace?
How has this experience affected your career aspirations?
What is your next step?
Update your resume to showcase your new experience and skills
Review our Resume Samples
Use this Career Ready Skills Reflection Worksheet (PDF) to help determine which career ready skills you developed
Have your resume reviewed during Express Hours
Additional Resources
Build and maintain your network with Networking & Informational Interviewing