The Department of Theatre Arts produces four mainstage shows each year. All enrolled Towson University undergraduate students are welcome to audition for these plays.

Auditions are held the semester prior to that of production: Fall plays are cast in early in the prior spring semester, and spring plays are cast early in prior fall semester. These auditions are generally held during the first month of the semester.
Specific audition dates will be announced by the Department of Theatre Arts through on campus publications, social media, and flyers. Interested students should call or email the department for more information, 410-704-2792 or
We ask that all students audition only if they have the best intention to accept the role in which they are cast.
Students who turn down a role will not receive an opportunity to audition again for a one-year probationary period. (Majors will be held to the probation as stated in the department's audition policy.)
MFA and Undergraduate Student Studio Projects
The department also produces pieces directed by undergraduate students and MFA students. MFA projects have open auditions, and can cast from undergraduate students, MFA students or from the community.
Undergraduate student-directed performances must cast from the Towson University undergraduate population.
Do we produce musicals?
Yes. Although we are not a Musical Theatre program, we do a musical at least once every two years.
How should students prepare for the audition?
Generally we ask for a monologue and singing (for musicals). We do, however, change our auditions to best fit the needs of the directors. Call four weeks before auditions with any questions.
How do students sign up to audition?
Contact the Department of Theatre Arts office.