Whats On Stage
Learn about upcoming productions
Find Out MoreDepartment of Theatre Arts Mainstage productions add to the rich cultural landscape of Towson University and the surrounding Towson community.
Department productions are typically presented in the Mainstage Theatre or the Studio
Theatre, located in the Towson University Center for the Arts, and are directed by
faculty members or guest artists. Students engage with every part of the production
process from script selection through production and performance opportunities. Auditions
for Mainstage productions are open to all undergraduate students at Towson University,
regardless of major. Students in the BFA in Acting are required to audition for mainstage
For general auditions, students should prepare the following:
· A 60 – 90 second contemporary monologue
You must sign up for a 3-minute time slot in the Department of Theatre Arts Office, CA3037. Sign up sheets will be available starting Monday, September 16th. A recent photo or headshot and acting resume is requested at the time of audition.
Students interested in helping with any part of the stage management responsibilities of auditions please contact Jay Herzog.
Auditionees must be enrolled undergraduate students at Towson University during both the auditioning semester and that of the production. Rehearsals will occur during evening hours. If cast, you will be expected to follow a rigorous rehearsal schedule. You may not enroll in courses occurring after 5:00 PM for the spring 2020 semester. You will be expected to adjust your schedule to give evening priority to the production. This is not optional. Rehearsal period begins 6-8 weeks prior to scheduled/published show dates. Required weekend rehearsals will occur the weekend prior to the first night of performance.