Faculty Handbook
Faculty Handbook
The Towson University Faculty Handbook (PDF) presents important policies and procedures that faculty need to know. However, the Faculty Handbook does not amend, supplement, or constitute any part of the employment contract of any university employee. All provisions in the Faculty Handbook are subject to change at any time. Such changes will be made in accordance with all applicable established procedures. Please note, the Faculty Handbook is currently undergoing structural revisions to improve usability.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Towson University mission and strategic plan
I. Towson University Mission Statement and Goals
Chapter 2: The University System of Maryland (USM) and Towson University (TU) Governance structures
I. Governance of the University System of Maryland
III. Organization of Towson University/Organizational Charts
IV. Responsibilities of the Deans
V. Academic Department Chairpersons’ Roles and Responsibilities (TU 03-11.00)
VI. Constitution of the Council of University System Faculty (USM I-2.00)
VII. Policy on Role of Faculty in Development of Academic Policy (USM II.3.00)
VIII. The Academic Senate
IX. AAUP/Faculty Association Grievance & Mediation Committee
Chapter 3: Appointment, Rank, and Tenure; and Workload Faculty:
I. Towson University Policy on Appointment, Rank and Tenure of Faculty (TU 02-1.00)
II. Policy on Appointment, Rank and Tenure of Faculty (USM II-1.00)
III. Towson University Comprehensive Faculty Workload Guidelines
IV. Policy on Faculty Workload and Responsibilities (USM II-1.25)
V. Policy on the Employment of Adjunct Faculty (TU 02-01.07)
i. Procedures for Promotion of Adjunct Faculty
VI. Academic Department Chairpersons' Roles and Responsibilities (TU 03-11.00)
VII. Policy for Clinical Faculty Evaluation, Reappointment, Promotion and Merit (TU 02-
VIII. Policy on the Employment of Lecturers (TU 02-01.05)
Chapter 4: Faculty Leave policies and procedures
I. Policy on Annual Leave for Faculty (USM II-2.40)
II. Policy on Sick Leave for Faculty Members (USM II-2.30)
III. Policy on Family and Medical Leave for Faculty (USM II-2.31)
IV. Policy on Parental Leave and Other Supports for Faculty (USM II-2.25)
V. TU Policy on Leave Without Pay for Faculty (TU 02-02.20)
i. Implementing Procedures for TU Policy on Leave Without Pay for Faculty
ii. Application for Faculty Leave of Absence Without Pay
VI. Policy on Sabbatical Leave (TU 02-02.00)
i. Implementing Procedures for TU Policy on Sabbatical Leave
ii. (Login to Forms Repository. The application is located under the 'Office of the Provost
Forms' section)
VII. Policy on Transitional Terminal Leave for Faculty (TU 02-02.10)
VIII. Policy on Jury Service for Faculty Members (USM II-2.50)
Chapter 5: Additional Faculty Benefits
I. Policy on Compensation of Faculty (USM II-1.21)
II. Towson University Policy on Outside Employment, Outside Professional Services,
Outside Teaching, and Offload/Overload Teaching by Full-Time Faculty (TU 02-3.20)
i. TU Full-Time Faculty Outside Employment, Outside Professional Services,
Outside Teaching, and Offload/Overload Teaching Form
III. TU Benefits Package for Faculty
IV. Policy on Tuition Remission and Tuition Reimbursement for Regular and Retired
Nonexempt and Exempt Staff and Faculty Employees of the University System
Maryland (USM VII-4.10)
V. Policy on Tuition Remission for Spouses and Dependent Children of USM Employees
and Retirees (USM VII-4.20)
VI. Policy on Salary Advances for USM Employees (USM VII-4.30)
VII. Policy on Payment of Moving Expenses (USM VIII-16.00)
Chapter 6: Separation
I. Termination of Tenure and Tenure-Track Faculty Procedures (located within the
Towson University Policy on Appointment, Rank and Tenure of Faculty, TU 02-01.00)
II. Procedures for Appeals to University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents
Decision to Terminate Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty Members (USM II-1.04)
III. Towson University Retrenchment Policy and Procedures
Chapter 7: Policies and procedures for the classroom
I. Academic Affairs' Procedures on Instructional Space
II. Towson University Policy on the Sale to Students of Instructional Materials from
Which a Faculty Member May Earn Monetary Gain (TU 03-10.01)
III. Copyright Resource Center/Cook Library Reserve Guidelines
IV. Towson University Guidelines on Double Sections
V. Towson University Guidelines for Team Teaching
VI. Faculty Members Must Meet Classes
VII. Faculty Absences from Class
VIII. Towson University Policy on Student Class Attendance/Absence
IX. Student Class Attendance (Drop/Add)
X. Undergraduate Academic Advising
XI. TU Internship Coordinator Handbook (Faculty/Staff)
XII. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
XIII. Discrimination Policies
i. Prohibiting Discrimination on the Basis of Race, Color, Religion, Age,
Origin, Sex and Disability (TU 06-01.00)
ii. Prohibiting Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation or Gender
Expression (TU 06-01.05)
iii. Prohibiting Sexual Harassment (TU 06-01.20)
XIV. Student Classroom Expression
XV. Syllabus Guidelines for Best Practices
XVI. Policy Concerning the Scheduling of Academic Assignments on Dates of Religious
Observance (USM III-5.10)
XVII. Towson University Grades and Grading Policy
XVIII. Policy for Review of Alleged Arbitrary and Capricious Grading (USM III-1.20)
XIX. Towson University Policy on Final Examinations
XX. Towson University Faculty and Student Procedures Regarding Emergency Absence or
Lateness of Faculty During Final Examinations
XXI. Towson University Policy on the Retention of Final Examinations and Grade Books
XXII. Policy and Procedures on the Disclosure of Student Education Records (TU 03-
XXIII. Policy on Faculty, Student and Institutional Rights and Responsibilities for
Academic Integrity (USM III-1.00)
XXIV. Student Academic Integrity Policy (TU 03-01.00)
XXV. University-Sponsored Field Trips
XXVI. Towson University Policy for the Care and Use of Vertebrate Animals
XXVII. Towson University Policy on Notice to Students on Use of Animals in Instruction
XXVIII. Academic Affairs Guidelines to Address Student Complaints
Chapter 8: Additional faculty policies
I. Policy on Professional Commitment of Faculty (USM II.3.10)
II. USM Policy on the Regents Professorship (USM II-1.30)
III. USM Policy on Classified and Proprietary Work (USM IV-2.20)
IV. Towson University Policy on the Use of the University’s Name by Members of the
V. Commencements, Convocations, and Faculty Meetings
VI. Towson University Policy on Named Chairs and Professorships
Chapter 9: Faculty development, grants, and sponsored research
I. Policies and Procedures of the TU Faculty Development and Research Committee
II. Office of Sponsored Programs and Research
III. Policy on Solicitations and Acceptance of Sponsored Projects (USM IV-2.00)
IV. Office of Sponsored Programs and Research: Grant Management Guidelines
V. Policy on Human Subjects of Research (USM IV-2.10)
VI. Policy on Patents (USM IV-3.00)
VII. Towson University Policy on Intellectual Property (TU 04-03.20)
VIII. Procedures on Conflict of Interest for Faculty Interested in Sponsored Research
IX. Policy on Misconduct in Scholarly Work (USM III-1.10)
X. Towson University Policies and Procedures for Inquiries and Investigations Concerning
Allegations of Scholarly Misconduct
Chapter 10: Related university policies
I. Rights and Responsibilities of Members of the TU Community
II. Academic Freedom
III. Professional Ethics
IV. Consensual Relations with Students (TU 07-06.30)
V. Employment of Members of the Same Family/Household and Consensual Amorous
Relationships (Nepotism) (TU 07-02.10)
VI. Policy on Campus Ministries (TU 06-07.00)
VII. Policy on Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct (TU 06-01.60)
VIII. Towson University Information Technology Policies
IX. Policy on Acts of Violence and Extremism (USM VI-1.10)
X. Policy on Threats and Violence (TU 06-01.10)
XI. Weapons Prohibited (TU 06-01.11)
XII. Disruptive Student Enrolled in Class
XIII. Policy on Emergency Conditions: Cancellation of Classes and Release of Employees
(USM VI-12.00)
XIV. Towson University Policy on External use of the University’s Name
XV. Towson University Policy on Publications, Marketing and Communications
XVI. Towson University Policy on Non-Credit Activities
XVII. Towson University Policy on Solicitation of Advertising
XVIII. Collections and Donations
XIX. Towson University Policy on Fund Raising, Gifts, Voluntary Support, and Grants
XX. Gift Acceptance Guidelines for Faculty
XXI. Towson University Policy on the Preservation of Items of Historical Interest
XXII. Towson University Policy on Substance Abuse for Faculty, Staff and Students
XXIII. Smoke Free Campus Policy (TU 06-14.00)
XXIV. Towson University Policy on Gambling and Raffling
XXV. Procedures for Reporting Suspected or Known Fiscal Irregularities (TU 08-07.10)
XXVI. Policy on the Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect (TU 06-01.50)