Testing Services Center
The ADS Testing Center serves both students and faculty by providing a welcoming environment for students to utilize their approved ADS testing accommodations when they cannot be implemented in the classroom. The center provides access to a variety of accommodations, such as extended test time, reduced distraction spaces, and access to assistive technologies, including reading and writing software.
ADS Testing Center staff are dedicated to supporting students and maintaining the academic integrity of the exams and quizzes provided by faculty. A team of trained proctors actively monitor the testing environment using camera systems and LanSchool software, to ensure exam security and address all student needs promptly.
The facility features 34 computer stations with privacy partitions and utilizes white noise machines, noise-canceling headphones, and earplugs to provide a reduced distraction testing environment.
Using the Testing Center
The collaboration and communication between students and faculty is essential for the effective and timely coordination of exams and quizzes. The Testing Center relies on student and faculty use of Accommodate to streamline the scheduling and coordination of exams and quizzes.
Students can review the Accommodate Tutorial for submitting Testing Center requests.
Students and faculty can access the Accommodate Portal via the link below.
Student Responsibilities
Prior to Test Day
- Before scheduling their exams, students must share their letter of accommodation with their faculty and work with them to determine if their testing accommodations can be implemented in the classroom or if they will utilize the Testing Center.
- Students are expected to submit their Testing Center requests through Accommodate
at least three (3) business days in advance of the test date.
- Students may begin scheduling future quizzes and exams for the semester as early as the first day of class.
- Approval of requests made less than 3 business days in advance is not guaranteed and relies on the faculty’s ability to provide the exam and proctoring instructions in the timeframe provided.
On Test Day
- Students should arrive at the Testing Services Center 10 minutes prior to their scheduled
- If a student is going to be more than 15 minutes late for their appointment, students should contact the ADS Testing Center.
- Students should notify ADS Testing Center staff and their faculty if they are not able to attend their appointment.
- Students are responsible for bringing all necessary testing materials to their appointment.
- All personal belongings, aside from approved test materials, must be secured in the lockers outside of the Testing Center.
- It is recommended that students wear layers to their testing appointment as the temperature of the center varies depending on the season.
- Proctors and Testing Center staff are available to assist with technical difficulties and provide additional support as needed.
- Students are responsible for scheduling their appointments for a time that does not overlap with other classes. ADS Staff cannot provide late notes or excused absences.
- All test sessions are proctored and recorded. If issues regarding test integrity are suspected, students will be informed and professors will be notified.
- Only materials approved by the professor will be permitted in the Testing Center.
- The following items are not permitted unless they are approved as an accommodation: cellphones, smart watches, other electronic devices, and food.
- Beverages are permitted if they are in a sealed container.
- Tobacco products such as cigarettes, vapes, and chewing tobacco are never permitted in the Testing Center.
Faculty Responsibilities
Contact Information
Testing Services Center
Room 321 (Map)
Fall and Spring:
Mon to Thurs 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Fri 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Winter Minimester and Summer:
Mon to Thurs 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Fri 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Final Exams Period Extended Hours:
8 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Week Days)
Saturday Hours Vary for Common Exams